The Ring

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Marinette's pov

I had just come home from my self defense classes and I was doing my homework when mamma came up to my room saying "Marinette Grandma sent you this present and you got some letters from Grandma, Bridgette, Marin and Tikki" "OK mamma I'll open as soon as I'm finished my homework". "alright dear goodnight" "goodnight mamma".

10 minutes later ..........

I had just finished my homework and I decided to open the gift Grandma sent me. It was small box so I guessed it was either a ring or a earing. It was a beautiful tiara ring.

I opened the letter and it read the following,

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I opened the letter and it read the following,

Dearest Marinette,

I sent you this ring so that you will never forget who you are and where you came from . I am so proud of you for keeping this secret for almost 10 years now. I cant wait  to see you at your  coronation .

See you soon my little flower blossom,

Lots of love,

Grandma xxx.

I was so happy with the ring that I immediately thought of my globe locket grandma gave me before I left China.

Flashback ......

 "Oh blossom don't be upset here have this", the elderly empires said as she pulled out a globe locket with a golden chain. "Remember this Mari, where ever you go in this world you  will always have your brother, sister and the rest of your family in your heart". As the gentle women put the locket around her granddaughters neck. Marinette opened the locket and on one side was a picture of Mari with her brother and sister, Bridgette and Marin. On the other side of the locket was a picture of her grandparents.

End of Flashback ..... 

I climbed up to my bed and took the locket out from under my pillow and looked at the pictures.

I read the rest of my letters from Bridgette, Marin and Tikki

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I read the rest of my letters from Bridgette, Marin and Tikki. They all said the same thing but Tikki is engaged to Plagg ( Plagg is cousins to the heir to the English Throne ). I was so happy I cant wait to see her and give her a big hug and give Plagg my special talk. I went to sleep happy and I had a feeling that tomorrow would be a good day.

Princess Marinette Of ChinaWhere stories live. Discover now