"You shouldn't have ever left." She finally murmurs.

"It was what I thought best, but I did promise to come here and see you once again." I kneel and scoop her into my arms and I feel tears start to fall from her face.

"Why did you come back?"

"To see you, to attend the wedding, and to show the rest of the world that when you kill a stark we will not shrink to the shadows but we will stay strong and push through. I just hope that the stone mason gets fathers face right, he's never seen father, not many who've seen him are actually alive anymore. But at least we are."

"So much has happened."

"I know my sweet girl, I have heard lots too. The hound runs off at the battle of the black water, Bronn gets knighted, Jamie's hand is missing, I could go on but long story short I know. Are you going to greet the Dornish tomorrow with your husband?" Sansa flinches when I mention Tyrion.

"No I-"

"Did he do something to you? Why are you so scared of him?" I demand.

"Lord Tyrion has been very kind to me, he hasn't touched me or forced me to do anything."

"Look, I know that he's a dwarf but when the lights go out... who knows? He's one of the best men I have ever met, his heart is good and kind. All I ask is that you give him a chance to show you what a good husband he can be, I love him as a crazed uncle and out of all the people in this shit hole that you could have wed, I'm glad it was him." Sansa stares at me with reddened eyes.

"How can you still be-" I cut my sister Of with a sharp glare.

"I try to not let it seep over into my political life. I separate my feelings and love from my politics, and whenever I'm here I'm always on political mode... let's talk about something else please." I beg.

"I heard that your betrothed to Ramsay Snow."

"It's Bolton now, but yes, I'm to marry Ramsay when I return from the wedding, I'm actually representing both house Stark and Bolton. So far Ramsay has been kind to me but I still hear about the whispers about what he does to those who bore him. So I've tried to say interesting. Rarely touching him giving him a chase. Anyways I have some people to see and a tavern to sing in, I'll see you after I greet the Dornish tomorrow alright?" Sansa nods and goes back to looking at the tree with a soul shattering look in her eyes. Not having the strength to deal with that at the moment I rush out of the godswood.

In the early morning I enter Baelish's brothel for my special bath.

"Lady Lyanna it's been a very long time." A black haired woman smiles at me I returned her smile and sigh.

"I'm afraid so, but you remember what I like to be done don't you?" I ask she nods and rushes out to get my things ready.

"What a nice body this one has..." I hear a man purr in my ear. I gasp from his warm breath leaving cool chills down my spine.

"She seems innocent." A woman adds. I can tell from their accents that they are Dornish.

"I'm not a whore, I'm Lyanna Stark, oldest child of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. I will not be bought." I state spinning around.

"So your the reincarnated wolf that has the men by their pants." The woman says. My eyes widened in shock.

"I've heard plenty of rumours but never that one. May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Oberyn Martell, and this is my paramour, Ellaria Sand."

"I apologize for my ignorance. I should have realized with all the suns on your top my prince, and Ellaria... I once again apologize for not knowing how to address you."

"Call me Ellaria."

"And I Oberyn." I smile at the Dornish while the black haired woman walks back to me.

"Shall we go Lyanna?" She asks with a smile. I nod.

"I'll talk to you two later when I've finished." I say starting to untie my dress while the Dornish look at me with dark eyes. When they don't respond I shrug and walk with the whore to my usual ritual.

After I was done I see the Oberyn standing at the door.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask while the whores brush out my hair.

"Around the same time you got out of the tub. Are those scars recent?"

"They are from the beginning of the war, the king thought that I should be taught a lesson, but it never quite caught on, you understand that I'm a bit embarrassed about these scars, so if you could forget what they look like that'd be for the best." I say in a diplomatic way.

"How can I forget something that the sadistic king did to a beautiful woman such as yourself?" I give him a half smile

"You should be more focused on my sister, she is softer then I am or ever was. She was stuck here while I was at home."

"Then you saw your twin die."

"Yes, I did and when he died a piece of me went with him, like you and Elia, you were never the same after. Or so I heard."

"Your right I wasn't." The Dornish man nods. I sigh I was getting bored of this conversation very quickly.

"Alright I better go my sister will be waiting for me. Have a good day my prince." I slightly bow and he grabs my hand.

"And to you too, it was a pleasure to meet the wild wolf of the north." I smile then walk out of the whore house.

Lyanna Stark the secondWhere stories live. Discover now