Part 1 (Getting ready)

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Y/N stared at her assignment, not caring to look at her friend.

"Pleaseeeeee!" Her best friend, Min-so begged. She started going through this phase ever since they both got out of college.

"No! You're 22 years old still obsessing over boy bands!"

"I don't get why you don't like them! Literally everyone is throwing their panties at them!"

Y/N sighed, "It's not that I don't like them. Their music is mediocre, but I don't have the time to go to one of their concerts right now with you. We both have jobs and responsibilities." She went on and on until Min-so stopped her.

"Okay, okay. I get it." Min-so said in defeat.


Y/N went back to her paperwork. She worked in an office and had nothing but paperwork to do and emails to write. She was always buried in her papers. Her desk was a mess, empty instant noodle cups were everywhere. Min-so was quiet as she watched Y/N. A few seconds pass and still not a word. Min-so went a full minute without a word.

"I know what you're trying to do. It's not working."

More silence.

"..." Y/N groaned and turned back around to look at her glum friend. "Fine! Fuck it, I don't care! If I get fired it's on you." Y/N crossed her arms, immediately being tackled. "YAAAY!" Min-so giggled. Y/N smiled a little and relaxed into the hug.

"You have to let me do your hair! And get you a some new clothes!"

"Kill me please..."

~later that night~

"Y/NNNNN, GET UUUUP." Min-so screamed. Y/N jumped up out of her sleep. They must've fell asleep together. Min-so pulled Y/N up by her collar and pushed her into the bathroom. She was really strong for such a small girl. 4'11 with the strength of a man.


"Alriiiight!" Y/N yawned and stretched, not going nearly as fast as her friend.
She pulled her hair out of it's messy bun and scratched her scalp. She started to get undressed, setting the shower to hot water and waiting. She reached for her bottle of facial cleanser. It was still close to being full, she couldn't remember the last time she washed her face with it.

After she thoroughly washed her face, she stepped into the shower. Squirming a little as the hot water hit her body. It felt amazing. She washed her hair and cleaned herself. Even shaving her body. She wanted to look nice for her friend. Y/N couldn't remember the last time she had gotten dolled up.

Y/N walked out the bathroom, towels wrapped around her as her wet feet pattered against the wooden floors.

Min-so was already basically ready, her hair was straightened, her nails done, her dress on. She was working on her makeup as Y/N snuck past her. Y/N didn't want to wear a dress like her friend. She threw on a pair of jeans and a crop top hoodie.

"Sneakers, flats. No, sneakers, Nooo, flats."


"Min-so! Pipe down on the screaming!"


Min-so started towards the door, throwing on a pair of heels. "FUCK! WHERE'S MY CLUTCH?!" She started frantically searching for her small purse.





"MIN-SO!" Y/N grabbed Min-so's shoulder to stop her. She was holding her friend's clutch. Min-so took a step back and looked Y/N up and down. She smiled. "What?" Y/N placed a hand on her hip. "Nothing. Let's go." Min-so held her other hand and led her out the door.

"Did you even grab the keys...?"



𝔅𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔢 (Bts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now