Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Kay was tired.

The walk to the Gossamer camp – after the events of this morning on top of the fact that she'd been up early for her watch – had seemed even longer to her than she anticipated. When the first few tents finally came into view, she nearly collapsed with relief right there in the middle of the march. Thankfully she was able to hold herself together long enough to actually enter the boundaries of said camp.

The Gossamer warriors were prepared for their arrival. As soon as they were within sight three men approached the group; two of them led Espio and Li Yuen somewhere and the third ushered Kay and Nikōru to a small tent with a symbol on it that Kay did not recognize. Inside were sleeping mats for six people, though no one else was in sight at present. She was just beginning to wonder who else would share this tent with them when the warrior who had led them here began speaking.

It appeared as though he were addressing them both, but of course Kay couldn't understand a word, so she resigned herself to asking Nikōru to try and interpret what he said once he was gone. The former Storm warrior replied to him with a slight bow, then moved to sit on one of the mats near the back of the tent. The Gossamer warrior stayed where he was, his eyes trained on Kay.

Not knowing what else to do, she bowed to him as well, thinking perhaps he was expecting it. He smiled gently at her, bowed in return, and left.

After a few moments of silence, Kay decided that if Nikōru was going to relax, so would she. She moved to the mat beside her lynx companion and sat. Then, a moment later, she lay down entirely, letting her body melt in the way it had wanted to for at least an hour now. Nikōru lay down as well. For a second Kay considered asking her what the Gossamer warrior had said, but then decided against it. She had no energy to try and play charades right now.

Kay wasn't sure if she dozed off or not, but it was a short while later that the Gossamer returned to the tent, carrying a tray with two steaming bowls on it. Nikōru rose and retrieved one, thanking him, and Kay was not far behind her. She nodded to him and said, "Arigatō."

He smiled. "You're welcome."

Kay was so surprised she nearly dropped the bowl. "You speak my language?"

"Yes," he replied with a chuckle. "I knew you could not understand me before; you looked very lost when I was speaking to you. Since you are a hedgehog, I assumed you must be from the west. It would appear I was correct."

"Yes, I am." Kay was amazed. " do you speak my language?"

"I was not always a member of the Gossamer Clan. Before that I traveled a lot. I needed to learn other languages in order to keep up with everyone. I am fluent in four tongues, semi-fluent in others."

"Wow." Kay glanced over her shoulder at Nikōru and had to suppress a laugh. The lynx looked as lost as Kay had probably looked to her all this time. "Well, thank you for this. We can definitely use it after the walk we had today."

"I am happy to be of assistance."

Suddenly a thought occurred to Kay, and she took advantage of the opportunity to ask, "Am I allowed to ask where Prince Shinobi is?"

The Gossamer chuckled again. "Of course. You are all honored guests here. The prince is meeting with our higher-ranking warriors to exchange intelligence and formulate a plan. When he is finished, he and his personal guard will join you here."

"We'll all be in the same tent?" Kay was surprised. So far in her experience the men and women of the Dragon Kingdom were always separated at night.

"There is a divider wall you may employ for privacy when the time comes. We did not want you to be separated if at all possible; you all have been through much together. Of course, I'm sure other arrangements can be made..."

"No, no," Kay replied quickly, smiling. "That's all right. I'm actually relieved."

The Gossamer warrior nodded at her, then to Nikōru. "I will leave you alone now, keiiwohyōsuru gesuto. I'm sure you will want to rest."

"Thank you."

He bowed and then was gone once more. Kay returned to her mat beside Nikōru, who had already eaten half the contents of her bowl. She settled in and ate as well.


It was a while later before Espio and Li Yuen returned, and when they did they breathed a sigh of relief upon entering the tent. Kay couldn't blame them. Not long after the Gossamer warrior had left her and Nikōru the sky darkened, and not long after that the wind picked up, and now it sounded like a full-on squall outside. Kay was sure the prince and his bodyguard were just as grateful for the shelter as she was.

"I don't like this storm, mune," Li Yuen muttered as he shook the water from his mane and tail. "I feel that it is a bad omen."

"I don't believe in omens, my friend," Espio replied. He began to untuck his tunic, but then seemed to think better of it, glancing over at Kay and Nikōru. After a moment's consideration, he left the tunic on and moved to the sleeping mat opposite Nikōru at the back of the tent. Li Yuen claimed the one right by the door on the same side.

"Are you ladies settling in all right?" Espio asked, groaning as he sat. Kay exchanged a look with Nikōru. "Yes, I think so. We're just tired."

"You have been treated well?"


"Good." The prince took a deep breath, held it, and then let it out in sigh as he flopped back onto his mat. "Ue no ten."

After a slight pause, Kay lowered her voice. "Do we have a plan of some kind going forward?"

"A plan?" He sighed. "Of sorts. All we really know for sure is that the kingdom is split right down the middle – two rebel clans and two loyalist clans. And while the Yagyu do not concern me, the Storm do. They are the fiercest of the four. They will not be easy to defeat if they remain loyal to the rebel leader."

"Prince Shinobi will reclaim the throne," Li Yuen spoke up, his voice determined. "The Gossamer and Shinobi clans will see to that, even if it means taking down our rebel brothers."

"Shizuka!" Espio snapped, sitting up suddenly, looking at his friend sternly. "I will hear no more such talk from you or anyone else, Li Yuen."

The lion turned his head away, looking guiltily at the floor. "Hai, denka."

Espio then turned to Nikōru, who had remained quiet but attentive during the whole conversation. She glanced away when he looked at her. She kept her eyes lowered even as he spoke to her gently in their native language. After a moment she nodded once, then lay down, silent as ever.

"I will not abandon my people unless I am given no other choice," Espio murmured, laying down again. "I promise on my word of honor."

Kay smiled slightly. In the Dragon Kingdom, one's word of honor was the most sacred promise that could be made. Espio's unwavering nobility even in the face of war warmed her heart as she shivered from the cold of the raging storm outside.

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