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Lightning Lynx strode out of the throne room, eyes staring straight ahead, disregarding the men on either side of him. His fellow warriors. They hurried to fall into line behind him. As the chosen Son of Storm, he still held a level of authority among his clan members, but he'd given up any kingly authority when he'd joined the raid on the palace months before and assisted the Dimension Keepers in taking over the Dragon Kingdom. They had been small in numbers then, but their forces were growing every day. Soon, the worldwide fame he had in another universe would be his as well. All would know and fear the very mention of the name Lightning Lynx.

"Omo," the warrior on his right said. "What are our orders? What are we to do about Arashi Nikōru?"

"She is no longer Arashi," Lightning spat back in reply, clenching his fists. He strode with purpose toward the palace's main entrance – the drawbridge where he'd been cut down by the rogue just when the crown prince was at his mercy. "She is a traitor. Kill her on sight."

"Omo," the other warrior spoke. "We tracked the prince and his followers to the east. They are just outside capital borders."

Lightning grinned. "Suit up, men. Let's go to war."

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