6. Pray

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I Pray for my heart to heal
And I Strenthen my soul to deal
Dealing with the grime of our storm
But you close your eyes when you see the thunderstorm

Your eyes could once warm up my soul
But now my heart turns stone cold , turning away from your hold
You open you mouth to claim
But I can only step back and pray

I Pray for my heart to heal
And I Strenthen my soul to deal
Dealing with the grime of our storm
But you close your eyes when you see the thunderstorm

I Pray for my heart to healAnd I Strenthen my soul to dealDealing with the grime of our stormBut you close your eyes when you see the thunderstorm

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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