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about three weeks had passed since the four friends had arrived at the island; then again, it was hard to keep track of time there. they'd managed to devise a system on who would do what jobs. tord would hunt, edd would cook, tom would gather, and matt would either help tom or collect water using a wooden, bucket-like creation tord had whittled over the course of a week.

—tom's pov—

tom crawled out from his shared shelter with edd, reaching his arm behind his back to wipe away the sand. he looked down at the shitty hut which was now expanded to a bigger size to fit all four of them, courtesy of matt. edd and matt were still fast asleep; the ginger was pressed close to his friend for more warmth.

it took tom a moment to realize tord wasn't there. he furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance and looked around. he spotted tord sitting on the rock, carving something with his pocket knife.

"commie." tom greeted as he walked up to tord.

tord stopped, head slowly turning to look at tom. he grimaced. "what?"

the sound of irritancy lacing tord's voice pissed tom off. "i was only gonna ask if you'd gone to hunt yet."

"yeah." tord replied curtly and went back to carving.

tom crossed his arms. "where's your catch?"

"i didn't get anything."

"why not, mr. tough guy?"

"because it was too early and all the animals are asleep, dumbass." tord snapped. "quit pissing me off."

"you're such a cunt!" tom gave him a glare. he stomped away back to edd who seemed to be waking up now.

"stop fighting. you woke me up." he complained as he tiredly stood up.

"sorry, geez. tord didn't catch anything."

edd sighed and rolled his eyes. "damnit."

tord walked over to them, his green eyes lidded with apathy. "okay. whatever. i'll go hunt again."

"yeah, go away. we don't want you." tom glared at him. he hissed in pain as edd gave him a hard smack on the head.

"stop it, tom! tord's our friend and he's important to the team."

if edd weren't standing there, tom would've broken tord's nose right then and there when the norski gave him a light smirk.

"yeah. i catch the food, jehovah's," tord crossed his arms. "what do you do? oh, pick berries?"

tom felt his face flush red with anger. "i-!"

"tord, go hunt!" edd huffed and gave him a small push towards the forest. "please stop fighting. if you can't catch anything, we can just have fish for breakfast."

"i'm sick of fish!" matt grumbled from the shelter sleepily. tord shook his head and snickered to himself as he walked towards the forest, but not before grabbing a spear he'd made a few days earlier.

"i hate him." tom seethed. "i don't even understand why you like him! he's so snobby and annoying and-!"

edd placed a hand on tom's face and sighed, whispering, "shut the hell up. please."

tom shut his mouth stubbornly and nodded. one day i'm gonna rip that norwegian to shreds.

—matt's pov—

matt watched tord leave through half-lidded eyes, just barely waking up. he climbed out of their sleeping hut and ran a hand through his hair to rid of any sand that had managed to find its way in.

no way out {eddsworld survival au}Where stories live. Discover now