Chapter 20: Luck Changes

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I apologize for the POV changes in the chapter, but you need them to understand what's going on. I tried to make them come up as rarely as possible to avoid confusion.


Alana's POV

For a moment, I didn't react. I didn't even feel anything but shock. For a moment, it felt like every limb in my body had gone completely numb. I reached out my senses, feeling the slugs' energies. It felt terrible, feeling the once warm and light energy be dark and cold. Already, I was developing even more of a headache as I felt the ghoul energy. It felt even worse when it really hit me.

These were my slugs. These were my friends. And now they were ghouls, that I couldn't even be around and not have a headache or a chill. I felt awful. I wished all of this would just end. Being captured, blind, helpless, and now my slugs were ghouled. It was too much for me to handle- my mind was racing.

"No, no, no," I muttered, shaking my head, not wanting to believe it. I got ahold of the bars of my cell and reached an arm through. "Ash? Isis? Give them to me, now," I demanded, even though I knew I was in no place to make demands. I didn't care if they would make me feel worse, I just wanted them with me.

Twist snorted. "Not a chance. Even as ghouls, your Infurnus and Boon Doc- oh, sorry, Darkfurnace and Goon Doc- are acting calm and... well, still like slugs. The rest of them are growling and stuff, but these two are just staring at you. Heck, I think they look a little sad. They're a little humane for ghouls, which means they could try and help to bust you out."

And we couldn't have that, could we, I thought bitterly. I sighed, pulling my arm back in the bars. It was a little soothing to hear that at least my top slugs weren't acting as crazed as normal ghouls would. But I was still thinking some very colorful language to say to Twist. I thought it might be best to keep the thoughts to myself, though.

"I'll get out of here and get you guys cured," I called out to my slugs, ignoring the faint growls I could hear. "I promise."


Eli Shane's POV

I was grabbing slug canisters and equipment. "Come on guys, we gotta leave now! We need to go to Blakk's fortress, we need to go and rescue Alana!"

I turned around to find that nobody had moved. They were just all staring at me, a little startled and concerned. Trixie stood up.

"Eli, we can't just go charging into the Citadel without a plan," she said patiently. "That's what Blakk wants. We need to not rush into-"

I cut her off. "Of course we need to rush! Alana's in trouble right now!" I exclaimed. A thousand thoughts were buzzing through my head, but I knew one thing- I wanted to get Alana back as soon as possible. We couldn't let her be at Blakk's fortress any longer. It had already been a while.

"And what would Alana do if she were here?" Trixie asked. I didn't have an answer for her. "She would cone up with a plan," she said calmly. "She would want us to get information, make a plan, and then go on the mission."

I knew that Trixie was right. I sighed, slamming my fist down on the countertop. "I know," I muttered. "It just feels wrong not to go and rescue her now. She's all locked up, and... something else was wrong with her, too. She wasn't even looking at the camera when Twist called. I don't even wanna think about what they could have done." Not to mention that being on Blakk's citadel would be making her get crazy headaches and stuff from the dark energy there.

Sam narrowed her eyes and stood. "Well, then let's get planning." She frowned. "Although... I feel like something's wrong with this. Twist called and practically told us to go to Blakk's Citadel. But you've gotten in and out of there before, haven't you? Why would Blakk risk you getting in and out with Alana? It doesn't make any sense."

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