Chapter 9: Hunt for the Enigmo

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// Dedicated to Dat_John_Stone for correctly guessing who Alana was talking to first!

Well, my crazy headaches and daze-ness are officially gone, so I can be back on technology, woo hoo! Although I get a headache when I go outside because of the sun so I need to walk around everywhere with sunglasses, but oh well.

Author's note at the end of this chapter! Read it pretty please with your topping of choice on top!

Oh, and, I wrote some of this around midnight one night, so pardon if it's not perfect. Nobody hesitate to point out any mistakes, please (:

On with the next chapter, then.//

Now fully edited

Alana's POV

Well, I had officially joined the Shane Gang. It felt pretty good, just making it official and stuff. Although, now I felt very compelled to tell at least Eli about my run-in with the Shadow Clan, the truth about the amulet, and the more recent discoveries of, my um, 'abilities'. The morning after the formal, I did my usual get-ready-for-the-day stuff, and walked downstairs. Eli, Trixie and Kord were in the living area, I wasn't sure where Pronto was (probably still asleep). "Hey," I greeted them, hopping on the couch next to Eli.

Eli nodded a greeting. "We were just talking about last night. Blakk is stepping up his game." I nodded, shivering as I remembered the blaster up against me last night. That had been a frighteningly close call, and I would definitrly rather that it not happen again.

"You know," I said, twirling some of m hair on my index finger, "No offense, but I wonder why Blakk didn't try to take you, Eli? I feel like you annoy him more than me, although I have been quite a pain lately."

Trixie spoke up. "Well, Blakk is a jerk, but he still has a bit of a reputation to keep, doesn't he? Some people think he revolutionizing Slugterra or whatever. Eli's practically becoming famous- it would be risky to try and take Eli, at least in such a public spoke like the formal. If Eli got taken, everyone who immediately pin it on him. He would have broken the no-weapons rule, and would be responsible for ending another Shane." I nodded, understanding.

"But, since I specialize in recon and such," I said thoughtfully, "People wouldn't have cared as much, I'm not as well known as Eli is. And besides, even now they don't know for sure that it was Blakk. Those men weren't wearing anything that could have signaled that they were a part of Blakk Industries." Kord, sitting on a chair and working on his blaster, frowned. "Then how do we know it was Blakk? I guess it coulda been someone else." I shook my head. "They were armed with ghouls. One of them shot one at me, remember? Anyone with ghouls is associated with Blakk in some way. And I knew it was Blakk even before he shot the ghoul at me." I realized what I said a little too late. Oops. I began to think of a story of why I would know they had ghouls. Besides, you know, the fact that I had weird powers and could sense ghouls and dark water.

Eli turned to look at me. "How did you know? You couldn't have seen what the blaster that one guy had at you was loaded with, and the others had their blasters and ghouls hidden." I shrugged, not meeting his gaze. "Instinct? I feel like it's a little obvious. Everyone I've ever caused trouble for has been associated with Dr. Blakk at some point. Besides, the trouble started just as I saw Blakk, when I was trying to warn Eli." I laughed coldly. "Well, if I'm getting as much of a problem as to try and riskily take me out at a public function, I guess that means I'm doing my job right." Then I grinned crookedly and patted Eli's shoulder.

"Face it, Shane, you simply aren't good enough to kidnap."

He rolled his eyes, but smiled.

Once Pronto was up, he made breakfast (which I humbly refused, and stuck to a health bar, which couldn't have been worse than whatever that mole thought was food). I was looking through my files on my holographic desk when Trixie suddenly jumped up from her computer. She said something about 'it' being real, and began to round us all up, urging us on our Mecha beasts and speeding out the front door. As we watched, extremely confused, Eli shrugged. "Guess we should follow."

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