Chapter 4: Familiar Faces

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//Okay, so a brief recap on what's going on right now.

Alana is severely wounded, and passed out on the way back home. While unconscious, she had multiple flashbacks, going through her orphaned childhood. She was basically adopted by Will Shane, and was there when he disappeared through the portal, she feels guilty, etc. etc. etc.

And, I got asked a question about when in the TV series this is taking place.

Well, as of now, we're right before The Trade, The World Beneath Our Feet Part 2 has just ended. I'm assuming there's about a two day break (in TV time, not real life time) between World Beneath Our Feet Part 2 and The Trade, so I won't be starting up The Trade plot just yet :) And I definitely had to Google the episode to remember the order (I'm not too good with season 1). Yeah... I think I got that right. :D//

Now fully edited

Eli Shane's POV

Present day

It was the evening of a long day. Yesterday had been even longer. I had just finished second place in a slugslinging tournament, but the winner was using a corrupted slug, a ghoul, made by my new enemy (who I also just met), Dr. Thaddius Blakk. On the positive side, I now had a new team of friends and slugslingers. Trixie, Pronto, and Kord were great, I couldn't ask for better friends.

It had been a pretty busy start to my new life here. I was still adjusting to living in Slugterra, and we all had been trying to help people all day, which was something else to adjust to- being a Shane. News that a Shane had returned was going through the 99 Caverns pretty fast. Just today, riding around on our Mecha beasts, I got stares from people, which got strange after a while. I was looking forward to rest, and now, finally, I was laying down on a couch. Trixie was asleep in a chair next to me. Pronto was in the kitchen making "dinner", which didn't smell too good. And Kord was working on our Mecha beasts. Burpy was on my shoulder, and our other slugs were in various places in the hideout, taking naps, playing around, just being slugs.

For the first time all day, it was nice and peaceful- if you didn't count the small explosions the slugs caused every few minutes. Otherwise, things were fairly calm. Until we heard the engine of a Mecha beast outside.

"Kord?" I called, frowning. Kord emerged from the garage, holding a large wrench.

"Wasn't me, Eli. Someone's here." Well, there goes our peace and quiet for the night, I couldn't help but think. But I got up and grabbed my blaster off the table, not sure what to expect. Trixie woke up and stood, looking at the door.

"Who's here?" she asked. I shrugged.

As I got to the door, the sound of the Mecha beast stopped. I swung the door open, and my eyes widened at the sight. A dark blue and black wolf Mecha, a lot like Lucky, I realized, was standing ten feet from the front door. Its rider was a familiar looking girl, who was slumped over as if she had fallen asleep. Then I realized that the whole front of her shirt was stained dark red. She wasn't asleep. She was unconscious.

"She's hurt!" I raced forward, dropping my blaster, and as I got closer, hesitation flickered in my mind as I saw a familiar crest on the sleeve of her shirt. A red 'V' shape. I'd seen that symbol before. Blakk. Images of the man, the ghoul slug he had shown me, and the one John Bull had used in our duel flashed in my mind.

But that didn't stop me. I pushed the thoughts away. I didn't care who she was. She... well, she could die if she didn't get help fast. The wound she had didn't look too good. So I walked up to her and picked her up carefully. There were slug carriers on her Mecha beast, but they were mostly empty. The slugs who were in the carriers either hopped out and left, or hopped into the girl's backpack. The slugs in her bandoleer, which I noticed had the Blakk Industries crest on it and had red canisters, looked up at me, then back at her. They looked worried and sad. When I turned around, Trixie, Kord, and Pronto were standing, hesitant, at the doorway.

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