"Your not so bad yourself." I said, blushing. 

"Oh uh, these are for you." He said, handing me the flowers. There was a mixture of different flowers. I only knew one of them, which was a rose. I took them from him. 

"Thank you. They're lovely." I say politely. 

"Here i'll put those up." Aunt Helen said, taking them from me. She winked as she walked past me and i smiled again. 

"So do you want to get going?" I asked. 

"Yeah." He said, offering me the crook of his elbow. I shook my head, amused. I took it. I felt Mia pull on my shirt and i looked down. 

"Your not going to say goodbye?" She asked in her lovely voice. I smiled at her and bent down to give her a kiss and a hug. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered in her ear and she hugged me tighter. "I'll see you later, okay?" I said, releasing her. 

She nodded. Aunt Helen came and stood behind her, her hands on her shoulders. I stood upright. 

"I'll see you guys later." I said, giving Aunt Helen a hug. 

"Don't worry, i'll have her back before 10;00. " Ethan said. 

"Nonsense, you kids have fun." Aunt Helen said, smiling at Ethan. 

I took Ethans arm again and turned back to Aunt Helen as we walked out. I mouthed 'Thank you' to her and he nodded. We made our way outside and I let go of Ethan's arm as he went to open the passenger door of a black Ultima. 

"Yours?" I asked, getting into the car. 

"For now. My motorcycle is still in the shop." He said, disappointment in his voice. He shut teh door and walked over to the drivers side.

He got in and shut the door. Then he started the car and we pulled away from my house. 

"So where are we going again?" I asked, looking out the window. 

"I told you already, its a surprise." He said. I turned to him and seen him smiling. The lights from the cars infront of us were shining at his face. And his green eyes sparkled even more. He glanced at me and quickly looked away. Embarrassed that i was caught looking at him, yet again. 

"What?" He smirked. 

I shook my head, smiling. 

"So what kind of music do you like?" He asks. 

I shrug. "Classical. Rock. R&B. POP. Country....i'm very versatile."

"I see." He says. "So Rachel keeps asking about you." He catches me off guard. 

Oh. "Really? Why?"

He shrugs. "She likes you. And your sister. She always talks about spending her time with Mia and Emily at school. She wants to have them over for a sleepover one weekend, if thats okay with you and Emily's mom." 

"Oh. Um, yeah thats fine with me. I can ask Mrs.Johnson if its okay with her. When did she want them over?" I asked. 

"Next weekend okay with you?"

"Sure. I'll check with Mrs.J on Monday." 

"Great. Rachel will be siked." He smiled. 

We drove the rest of the way in an awkward silence. Now i knew where we were going when we pulled into the parking lot at the beach. I looked at Ethan, questioningly but he smiled and got out. He opened my door for me and i got out. He shut the door. It was quite windy over here and it was a little dark. 

What Becomes of the Broken HeartedWhere stories live. Discover now