Chapter 25 - Nora

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Our three nights together passed by far too quickly. By Saturday morning, the boys were up and busy packing the van before I had even rolled out of bed. I had walked slowly down the stairs and emerged outside just as they were closing up the trailer. Patrick was in the back seat, leaning into the back of the van to adjust a few instruments. I stood back, leaning against the building while I waited patiently for him to finish. Andy was the first to approach and give me a hug goodbye. After him, came Joe. Pete and Ellie were off to the side, wrapped up in their own little world. Finally, Patrick crawled from the van and turned to see me standing there.

    He stood still and stared at me for a moment, as if to commit the sight of me to memory. In all actuality, he would only be gone for five weeks. He'd be home in plenty of time before the baby arrived, and it gave me a chance to go out and shop for everything we would need. Still, it almost felt like he was leaving forever. I straightened up and pushed myself off the wall, and Patrick quickly stepped forward. He reached immediately for my hands, pulling me close enough that my baby bump was pressed against him. I hated that we couldn't be closer.

    "I'll be home before you know it," he said quietly, forcing a small smile for me. I knew he was just as nervous as I was about him leaving. He wanted to be here. He didn't want to miss a second of this pregnancy, and I didn't blame him. "Hey," he whispered, one hand moving to my chin. I hadn't realized it, but my eyes were watering. "Sweetheart, don't cry." His hand cupped my cheek, and his thumb brushed away the tears as they fell silently down my face.

    "I'm gonna miss you," I said, my voice breaking. "I don't want to do this alone." I bit my lip to stop it from quivering, and Patrick enveloped me in his arms.

    "You won't be alone," he promised, "I'll be here. Every single step of the way, I will be here. You know what to do; You call me for anything, and I will rush home, no matter where I am." I couldn't answer, so I just frantically nodded my head against his shoulder. "Stay busy," he added, "And you won't even have time to miss me."

    "I will miss you," I insisted, "No matter how busy I am." I tightened my arms around his neck, and we stood there silently for a long moment. Finally, I released him and leaned away.

He wiped my tears away again, and forced another smile for me. "I love you, Nora," he stated.

"I love you too, Patrick." I smiled back at him, and he leaned down to kiss me. It was a slow, gentle kiss, but the passion behind it made my head spin. When we parted, it was almost impossible to let go of his hand. He finally turned, and climbed into the passenger seat of the van. I hadn't noticed, but Ellie was standing beside me now, the same, anguished look on her face, and Pete was in the driver's seat. Both boys looked out at us, and gave us a short, despondent wave before the van pulled away from the curb. We stood there for a moment, both of us missing our other halves immediately.

Ellie let out a heavy sigh. "I promise you," she said, "Five weeks, is nothing compared to seven months."

I looked at her, frowning as I remembered that she hadn't been on tour with us before. To her, this isn't nearly as bad. I sucked up my sorrows and stood a little taller. "Yeah," I said confidently, "It'll be over before we know it."

As if on cue, another car pulled up along the curb, parking right where the van had been. It was Patrick's mother. "Well," Ellie said, "I'll see you at your dad's later?"

"Of course," I said, hugging her goodbye as she headed for her own car. As she left, Mrs. Stumph climbed out of her car with a beaming smile.

"Hi, honey!" She gushed, "You look radiant this morning! Absolutely glowing!" She rushed over to hug me, and I gave her a big smile. I knew I looked disheveled and upset, but it was lovely of her to try and make me feel better. "Are you ready to head out?"

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