Chapter 23 - Patrick

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A/N: Surprise! I'm not dead! I am SO sorry for the long wait, and I'm definitely suuuuuper sorry for not finishing any of my stories over the summer like I promised so many of you. I am going to get back into the swing of things VERY SOON, I just had some awful writer's block, plus a number of life changing events took place over the summer. I moved into a new place with my boyfriend, I got a puppy, I got a new job, all sorts of things! I hope you guys can forgive me for making you wait! Here's one chapter to hold you over until I am back in the swing of weekly updates. Happy reading!!!!

The next three weeks were a blur. The shows went by without a thought, and nearly all of my free time was spent with my hands pressed to Nora's belly. The baby grew more active every day, and it was exciting to feel the life we had created moving inside of her. The rest of the guys were also eager and fascinated to feel the baby move, but none of them so much as me. I couldn't get enough of it, and to think that in two months, I would be holding an actual baby in my arms was almost too much excitement to bear. Nora was very understanding, thankfully, and had not yet gotten sick of me constantly trying to touch her.

For the ride back into Chicago, the two of us were in the backseat, cuddled up together while Nora napped most of the way. Pete and Andy were in the front of the van, the latter driving, and Joe was asleep on the other side of Nora. As we crossed into the city's limits, I gently shook Nora awake. Ellie, Shawna, my parents, and Nora's dad would all be arriving at the apartment shortly after us. Nora had no idea, as I had arranged a few weeks ago for a secret baby shower upon our return. I knew she would want to be wide awake when we arrived, so I gently coaxed her from her sleep by running my hand over her thigh and kissing the side of her face. "We're almost there, sweetheart," I whispered, "We just got into Chicago."

Nora groaned and lifted her head, blinking lazily at me. "We're home?" She questioned, her voice raspy from sleep. She looked towards the window, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the city.

"Almost," I told her, "Just about fifteen minutes until we get to the apartment."

Nora sat up, stretching her arms and legs as much as she could in the cramped back seat. Joe stirred in his sleep beside her, and she prodded him gently in the ribs. "Wake up, Joe," she teased, "We're almost home."

Joe sighed heavily and curled further into the door of the van. "Then bother me when we actually get there," he groaned, making Nora roll her eyes at him.

She leaned back against me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "It'll be nice to actually be home again," she sighed. "I can't wait to sleep in my own bed."

"That will be a nice change," I laughed, "But you have three more nights before you get to do that, you know."

Nora lifted her head and cocked an eyebrow at me quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," I whispered, pulling her closer, "That I'm not letting you leave my sight until I have to leave Chicago again. You're staying with me until we go."

At that, Nora grinned. "Well, I should hope so," she giggled.

The rest of the fifteen minute drive was quick, and as we pulled up in front of the apartment, I could see our manager's car already parked ahead of us. As we all jumped out of the van excitedly, Pete looked at the rest of us and gestured to the car. "I'll handle the suit. Can someone grab my shit out of the van?"

"I got it," I offered, holding Nora's hand as she eased herself down from the vehicle. Once she was on the sidewalk, I gently ushered her to the door. "Wait upstairs," I told her, handing her my key to the apartment. She didn't take it.

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