Chapter 16 - Nora

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I was standing in the very back of the crowd, my camera in my hands, focusing in on Patrick as he sang the opening lyrics to Dead On Arrival. There wasn't a huge crowd, as usual, but it was steadily growing as we made our way from one show to the next. I snapped a few nice pictures of Patrick, then moved on to Joe, beside him. I caught a few pictures of him singing backing vocals, and a few of him just playing guitar. Then, Pete wandered over to Patrick, putting his forehead down on his shoulder as Patrick continued to sing passionately. I got a picture of them together, then a few of Pete alone as he walked away from Patrick. Finally, I took a few pictures of Andy on the drums. By the time the song was over, I had more than thirty pictures altogether.

    I flipped through them slowly, deleting the ones I didn't like, and saving all the others. I walked back through the venue then, taking the long way to get backstage to where the dressing room was. I walked in, collapsing onto the couch, and looked through my pictures again. The label had called the boys the other day, and had mentioned sending out some photographers to get some nice shots of them for possible use in magazines, and even a webpage. Andy had been the one to answer the call, and had been nice enough to tell them that they already had a photographer with them, so now I was responsible for sending pictures of the boys from each show to Fueled By Ramen.

    In my determination to send only the best pictures, I found myself staring longer than was necessary at each of Patrick's pictures. I couldn't deny how incredibly sexy he looked when he was performing, despite how nervous he always was right before going on stage. I flipped to the picture of him and Pete then, grinning to myself at how adorable they were. I had noticed over the last couple of months that Pete and Patrick were extremely close, but Patrick definitely meant the world to Pete. I had already talked to Patrick about Pete's earlier request to be the little bun's godfather, and we had agreed to let him have the title. We just haven't told him yet.   

    It was another hour before the show ended and the boys came back into the dressing room. Pete was first, his hair matted to his sweaty forehead, followed by Andy who was just pulling a shirt on. It was just the two of them for a moment, and Pete raced for the shower before Andy could so much as close the dressing room door. A few minutes later, Joe trudged in tiredly, with Patrick behind him. Patrick immediately smiled at me, walking over to sit beside me on the couch. He was drenched in sweat and he smelled a bit, but I didn't mind. I leaned into his side and showed him my camera excitedly. "Look at these," I said, showing him the photos I'd taken of him and the one I got of him and Pete. "What do you think?"

    Patrick looked through all of them with a grin. "I think they're amazing, Nora," he breathed, flipping through them again as I handed him the camera. He started to look at the pictures of the other guys as well. "We can send them out tonight, if you like them," he added, barely glancing at me. I smiled at his enthusiasm.

    "Let me see," Joe said, cramming himself between Patrick and I on the couch and looking over Patrick's shoulder. Andy wandered over as well, leaning over the arm of the couch to see. I shook my head at them all, pulling my cellphone out of my pocket. I had a text from Ellie waiting for me, so I opened it.

    Ellie: How's the baby mama?? I haven't heard from you in a few days!

    I sent her an answer, smiling to myself as I typed it out.

    Nora: I'm fine, El, don't worry so much. I'm sure Pete is keeping you updated anyways.

    Ellie: Of course he is. Doesn't mean I'm not worried for my best friend. How's it going with baby daddy?

    Nora: Stop calling us that, lol. He's great though. Btw, I have pics of Pete to send you later!

    Ellie: Yay! Looking forward to it!

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