Chapter 12 - Patrick

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As we practiced a few songs before the show, I was suddenly overcome by how nervous I actually was. This was our first time performing for a group bigger than what can fit in a school cafeteria, and I was not ready for it. Furthermore, I didn't quite feel like myself. For one, I couldn't stop thinking about Nora. I don't know why I'd felt the need to hold her hand earlier, but once I'd held her hand once, I just really wanted to do it again. I couldn't really explain it. But another reason that I didn't feel like myself, was the fact that I'd decided to forego my usual hat. For some reason, that small difference made me realize just how scared I was to perform tonight.

    Pete seemed to take notice. He stopped me after we had practiced Saturday, walking over and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Hey," he said softly, "You good?"

    "Not really," I admitted, running a hand through my hair. I was already sweating, and my hair was stuck to my forehead. "I don't know if I can do this, Pete."

    "Oh no," he said, stepping away and pointing a finger at me threateningly. "You are not about to back out now. What is it? Are you just nervous?"

    "Yeah," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "We've never performed for so many people before."

    Pete looked at me for a long moment, then nodded once. "I'll be right back," he said, suddenly jogging off to the side of the stage, and disappearing into the curtains. I watched him go, as Joe and Andy looked on curiously as well. I suddenly noticed where Nora had found a seat, in a folding chair just beyond the curtains. She looked up at me and smiled as our gazes met, and I smiled back eagerly, giving her a small, awkward wave. She waved back, giggling, and I felt myself blush. I looked away quickly, and suddenly, Pete was walking back out to the stage, a hat in his hand. "Here," he said, walking up to me and forcing the hat over my head. It was a trucker hat, like I usually wore but Pete forced the front of it down so that I could barely see anything in front of me. "There. Now, you don't have to see how many people there are. Can you still see the guitar?"

    "Yeah," I said, stepping up to the microphone again.

    "Good," Pete grinned, nearly skipping back to his place on the stage. "Alright, let's run through Saturday one more time."

    We started the song, and I immediately felt a little better. I could see the stage ahead of me, but I couldn't see anything beyond that. I could imagine as many or as few people out there as I wanted to, and I hoped that would make performing a little easier. Once we were finished practicing, we all headed back towards our dressing room. I felt bad leaving Nora alone, even though I was now on vocal rest for two hours before we went on stage, so I stayed out of the room with her. As I was pulling up a chair beside her, however, Pete noticed and held open the door for us. "Guys, come on," he said, gesturing for both of us to go inside with him.

    I shook my head vigorously, but Nora spoke up for me. "Your manager said I'm not allowed in," she told him, and he frowned at her.

    "Why not? None of us care if you're in here."

    "He doesn't want any 'funny business,'" Nora quoted, rolling her eyes.

    Pete grinned, shaking his head, "I mean...I hate to keep saying it but it's a little late for that." Nora and I both glared at him, but he only laughed. "Come on, fuck that guy. Get in here, nobody has to know." Nora stared at him a moment, then looked at me as if she needed my permission. I shrugged and stood up, reaching out for her hand once again. She placed her palm into mine and let me help her up, and then we followed Pete into the dressing room. Andy was already sprawled over the sofa that was pushed against the back wall, and Joe was sitting on the edge of the counter that ran along the bottom of three huge mirrors. There were a few stools in front of it, one of which Pete claimed, and I gestured to an empty one for Nora to have a seat.

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