Nights With Taehyung

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Namjoon raised a brow in question. "Mind sharing?"

A shake of the head is his reply from the younger. "He said Jin-hyung burned the stove once." Jimin enjoyed the blush that spread on Jin's cheeks. The others gawked at him in shock.

"Yah! It was one time okay? Don't have to rub it in my hansum fayce like that!"

He saw the others snigger and found it right to defend himself more with shouting "STAHP! SHATAP!"

"Did I say that?" Taehyung blankly asked no one in particular.

Jin pointed a crooked finger at him. "You!"

Tae's eyes widen. "Me?"

The elder's anger diminishes a bit to give way to what looked like hurt and betrayal. "It was our secret! Why'd you-"

"Mianhae Jin-hyung!" apologized the younger immediately, folding his hands and bowing his head toward the hyung he somehow wronged.

Namjoon found it fit to interfere. "Alright people it's okay. Hyung, calm down and let's all forget this happened. Tae-"

"PARK JIMIN! Your head is going to be on a silver platter TODAY!" Jin roared and said boy flees the scene, scared for his life. But he can't help the smile of accomplishment.

Jungkook bunked with Taehyung after almost a week. The latter was already deep asleep while the maknae opted to play a game on his cellphone. Suddenly he heard mumblings and a few tosses on the other bed.

At first he didn't bother looking since he knew his hyung was in his own dreamland and he really wasn't in the mood to try and make him stop. But he did wish he would. He'd be sleeping in a bit.

Jungkook's tongue poked out when he was in a tight spot in the game, head bent over the screen.

More scruffles and turning sounded in the background. Jungkook ignored it all. Until he felt rather than heard a figure walking- wait what?

His head snapped up only to see a sliver of his hyung before the door shut with a snap. Jungkook hurried out of bed to chase his sleepwalking brother.

"H- hyung!" he whisper-shouted as Taehyung veered a corner. The younger meanwhile slipped on something, hitting the wall with his back. He hissed in pain before glaring at the sock, scrambling to get up again.

His hands reached out to grab him, anything, when he realized Tae was no longer seen. Where did he go?

Where did that boy go? Ugh Jungkook's tired and he really was about to sleep when this whole thing had to happen. He spun around in his spot, eyes and ears alert.

He started to head to Jin's room when his eyes caught sight of the open door. Not just any door; it was the freaking front door!


It was already dark but a few cars were still on the road. Jungkook looked around the almost empty sidewalks in search of that hyung. What was he wearing again?

At last, he found him. But the relief was short-lived once he saw where he was standing.

"Get away from there hyung! You- ugh!" Words failed him as he took a headstart to push him off the street. And he was still sleeping! How the heck does he manage that?!

Jungkook crossed the street in a run, strong arms at the ready to shove the other boy away from danger, even if his own life was at stake.

His hands were in front of him, legs giving him more power when Taehyung spun in his spot, face turned to him, and started walking back as if he wasn't in a huge predicament moments ago. The maknae stopped in shock. He could've sworn his heart halted even for just a moment. What the fuk just happened?

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