Chapter 4

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Katie POV-

        Saying I dreaded it when it rained was an understatement of what I actually felt. For the next week it rained everyday during gym class. I would just sit there and watch everyone else play volleyball and frown. I played two games cause I figured maybe I could try, but it didn't make me feel any better. Why did it have to rain so much? I wondered if Luke hated when it rained. Probably, from the clear sound of it he hates the class he's in. I took out my phone and started playing solitare on it. Might as well do something semi productive. "Katie put your phone away," I heard my teacher yell to me. I looked up and groaned. I saw her staring at me waiting impatiently for me to put it away. I put it in my pocket and watched her go back to teaching, I sighed and prayed that soon this class would be over. Once my teacher told us all to go to the locker room and change our clothes I was happy my prayers were answered. Even though I didn't participate I still had to change to get some credit. My dad always told me I should try in gym class, but even if I didn't have seizures I still wouldn't. Gym was stupid. 

        I changed into my normal street clothes. Skinny jeans and a tee shirt. I waited in the gym till the bell rang and started walking to my next class. The day went by slowly and I wished school didn't bore me so much. I was happy when I got to lunch though. It gave me a break from the boring classes. Even though I was alone I guess it didn't make much of a difference. Until today. While I was playing around with my phone I didn't even realize someone was sitting with me, till they cleared their throat. I looked up to see Luke Hemmings sitting across from me. I put my phone away and he smiled at me, "Hey." He said. 

        "Hi," I answered back and looked at the ground to see where Lucy was. She was laying down next to my seat and she looked like she was sleeping. Good, she won't make him uncomfrotable. 

        "So this is where you hide out during this time," he said and raised one of his eyebrows. 

        I nodded, "Yeah I guess." I said and looked back at him. "You have this lunch period?" 

        "Yeah." He answered back, "apparently you do too." 

        "And yet we still haven't seen each other before." I said and took a bite of my sandwhich. He let out a small chuckle. "Yeah. I usually hide in the one of the hallways, no one usually tries to look for me, so I don't think it's a big deal." He said and shrugged. 

        "I tried," I said and looked down at the table. 

        "What?" He said and made eye contact with me.

        "I mean, the other day when I had the seizure. I tried to find you and apologzie, but I couldn't find you." I said and looked back down at the table. I probably shouldn't have said that. He looked at me like what I said confused him and then he shook his head, "why would you apologize?" He said. 

        I shrugged, "I don't know. I felt like I should. I don't know." I said getting quieter as I went. Things between us were still awkward. I knew we shouldn't be by now, but they are. I tried to not be so awkward, but I couldn't help it. I never really talked to people, not like this. Even when I was younger I didn't have a friend, but now I had this guy talking to me. One he was a guy, that instantly made it worse. Two, all I knew was that his name was Luke and he had a funny accent when he talked. "Don't apologize for something you can't control." He said calmly and cooly. I looked at him again shocked that he actually just said that to me. No one had ever said something like that to me. My whole life I've always felt bad for having to go to the hospital, or causing people to have to look at me funny. I always felt like it was my fault that this happened, and who knows. Maybe it technically could be my fault. It was my fault that day. 

Epilepsy// l.hUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum