Chapter 9

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Katie's POV

      Well, I shouldn't have been surprised. I was finally enjoying myself for one day and then it happens. I was feeling extremely confident and now here I was, sitting in a hospital bed, just waiting to hear the usual. I looked out the window, it was dark now. I wasn't exactly sure how long I'd been here, but I know its been a while. I looked straight ahead out into the emergency room. I could see all the nurses running around from room to room checking on other patients. Then I saw Luke coming towards my room. He had stuff in his hand. He walked in the room and sat in the chair next to me. He smiled and put the stuff on the bedside table. "Okay, I got gatorade and chips for later on. They want you to drink the gatorade though." He told me and I nodded. I grabbed the bottle and took a sip.

    I felt nerves tingling through my whole body. My dad would be here soon, and I know that it wouldn't end well. I sighed and looked back out into the emergency room. Just awaiting my fate from my father. "I had a good day Luke." I said quietly. "Besides this. It was a really good day." I looked up towards the ceiling and felt like there was huge lump in my chest. I was distracted from my thoughts by the sound of loud shoes. I looked over towards the door and there was my dad standing in the door way. He looked at me and then towards Luke. "Luke, can I have a minute with my daughter please?" Luke nodded and walked out. He took one more look at me then walked away. My dad took Luke's chair and sighed.

   "Well first thing I guess, are you okay?" I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. Nothing out of the usual." I said and then pushed my hands together. I started playing with my fingers. I could feel my heart rate start to increase. "Okay then," he said and then took another deep breath.

   "So why in the world did you not bring Lucy out with you. I don't see her anywhere with you." He said and started raising his voice. "Dad," I started but he quieted me. "No, you listen. I don't know where all this stuff has been coming from. First about the not ever going out, then you don't bring Lucy with you. Now you're here in the hospital. I don't like this. I don't like any of it Katie." He said and ran a hand through his hair. "You know. None of this happened until you started hanging out with that boy. As soon as you started hanging out with him you started acting differently." He shouted at me. I heard the machine start to beep loudly. The nurse came running in and looked at the machine. "Sir, please," she told him. "Unless her vitals stay down she's not going anywhere." She said and looked at me. I sat there shocked about what just happened. My dad never yelled at me that way.

   "It has nothing to do with him dad," I told him.

    "That's bullshit," he said and the nurse said again. "Sir please." He rolled his eyes. I looked at her and said, "We're fine. Could we have the room for a couple minutes please." I said and she looked between us again. She nodded, "Ill go see what's going on with your paper work." She walked out and I looked back to my dad. "Dad. Just because I didn't say something before doesn't mean I didn't feel it. And how do you think it feels dad, you don't know. Every time I go somewhere and she has that stupid vest on, everybody knows there's something wrong with me. They all stare at me and then people ask questions. Why don't I just wear a vest that says I have something wrong with me." I told him. "I hate it dad, it's horrible. I just wanted one day, one day, where I didn't have to deal with all of that. And you know what, what would Lucy have done! Just alerted the media about it, the same thing Luke did when he called the ambulance." I said and crossed my arms. 

     "Katie," he started saying but I shook my head. "Dad please. Just stop. He's the only friend I've had. Now you want to take him away from me. He didn't do anything. I left Lucy at home, it's my problem. I forgot to take my medicine okay. I was so anxious, that I just forgot to take them. I messed up okay." I told him. I felt the tears brimming my eyes. I realized that I had forgotten to take them when we left, but it was already too late. I knew I messed up. I had just hoped for once, that somebody was on my side and wouldn't have let this happen. "I'm sorry okay." I told him and sighed. He looked at me, dumbfounded, and sat down. I looked over to the door and Luke walked in. He looked between me and my dad, then back at me. "Here I got you these." He walked over and dropped a bag of starburst in my lap. I smiled at him and opened them. "Thanks," I said choked up. "My um, mom is here to pick me up. I'll call you later okay." He told me and I nodded. He waved and started walking out.

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