Chapter 14

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              I was glad that prom was over already. Luke had been stressing me out about it for weeks, making me run all kinds of errands with him. I was super uncomfortable with the whole thing since I wasn't going. I didn't understand why he couldn't do all this with his girlfriend instead of me. I think I gave him peace of mind. I was able to make a joke about things. The worst was having to pick out a corsage. Apparently Layla's dress was light pink, so it had to correspond with that. While we were at the flower shop, Luke was literally making my head spin. He kept trying to over complicate things, I knew he wanted to make her happy, but I told him that easy does it. Just go simple. 

          Eventually he did pick a very pretty one, that didn't break his bank. It had a bunch of small roses in it with simple jewels throughout. Thank god the tux rental wasn't as bad as the corsage. The lady at the store was very quick, and kind. She helped get Luke into the best fit and made sure his vest and tie matched Layla's dress. I showed her a picture of the dress not on Layla and she thought it was for me. I laughed at her words. Definitely wouldn't be me. Once we got through that I told Luke no more prom errands for me, it was starting to make me sick. He promised and then the day finally arrived. 

       The night itself was pretty good. Luke begged me to go with him to his prom pictures with Layla. A bunch of her friends and their dates were going to the park about ten minutes away from the prom. I told him I wouldn't feel comfortable since I didn't know any of them. He begged me continuously for days until I finally gave in. He told me that his mom would drive me there and drive me home since they were all going in a limo. How fancy. A limo. I felt a little awkward driving with Liz following the kids for prom. She didn't make a lot of conversation on the way there. Only a couple things, like hows school, hows my dad, little things like that. I answered of course. Don't get me wrong, Liz is a great person, and I enjoy her, but it's awkward being alone with her. Once we got to the park I was able to actually breathe. I watched everyone filed out of the limo. All the girl's looked absolutely beautiful in their dresses. I wasn't going to lie, even though I wasn't into this kind of stuff, and I didn't dress up, I was slightly envious. They all looked ready to go out and have fun. I may be envious now, but I knew that actually being there, I would be miserable. 

      It was a while before I even got to talk to Luke. I watched their group do multiple different poses, and being silly. I was glad that he was having such a good time. After all the shit I've been putting him through, it was nice to watch him enjoy himself and finally just one night stress free. Liz was over there conversing with the other parents and taking pictures. I watched as her and Luke took a couple of together.

          Eventually he came over to me, while Layla was with her friends. I watched as they were all giggling and talking about the night to come. It must be nice to have a big group of friends. I never had that, I mean I barley had a friend until Luke came around. He stood in front of me in his tux. He looked great, completely polished, and his hair was styled nicely. "Hey," he said and smiled at me. 

        "Hey." I said back and looked over towards the group of people. Laughing and having fun, enjoying themselves. I felt sad all of a sudden, and I really wasn't sure why. Luke looked to where I was looking then back at me. "You could've came you know. I would've brought you a ticket myself if you wanted to go that bad." He told me and I looked up at him. 

           "It's not that." I said and crossed my arms. "It's just like it's crazy for me to see big groups like that. I can't imagine having that." I told him and he nodded. 

         "Layla talks shit about all of them anyway so it's not as perfect as it looks," Luke told me and I laughed. "Alright, selfie time," Luke said and pulled me closer to him. He pulled out his phone and lowered it towards me. He shrunk himself down to get closer since he's a giant and makes me feel tiny, and I'm not even that short of a person. We took a couple and we looked at them. They came out pretty nice. There were a few normal ones, then somehow they turned into super goofy pictures. There was one where it looked like he was trying to eat my face. I made him send them to me immediately and his mom walked over to us. "Hey mom, can you take a couple normal pictures of standing together." He asked her and Liz smiled. "Of course," she said and took his phone. 

Epilepsy// l.hNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ