Broken Walls

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Tatsuo's POV

My head hurt. I couldn't open my eyes. The thrumming pulse of pain hammered through my head prevented me from thinking straight. 

I could hear voices, I couldn't decipher them from my own thoughts or people. My mind was fuzzy, kind of like a hangover, and all I could recall was a light. And a voice, calling my name. But it was all a blur, so I tried to focus on the voices that were chattering away now. 

" fine... just a concussion... wake up soon..." one said. I couldn't make out the entire sentence. 

I was lying on something soft, maybe a bed. I didn't know what is was, but I wanted to focus on anything but this pain.

" fault... yelled... was rude but... I'm...taken...him..."

"Seriously... god... never knew... told you so... ha...never do anything without..."

Before I heard anymore, the darkness swallowed me again. 


Juwon's POV

He was laying on my bed, unconscious. 

I don't know how this happened. I found him in an alley, bruised and bloodied, crumpled on the floor. 

He was hurt, obviously, and I just shut off into autopilot. Luckily, Ayako was a trained nurse, having gone to medical school. 

I... I can't describe the feeling, when I saw him lying there. He had been very rude to me, though I forgave him as soon as I saw him like that. Well, mostly. 

I was sitting beside the bed he lay on, in a chair. Ayako was scrambling in and out of the room, carting in supplies and dabbing his head with a moist towel. She even had to remove his shirt to examine the bruises on Tatsuo's ribs. I was guilty, occasionally, of sneaking a fleeting glace. He really did have a lot of tattoos. There was a particularly beautiful pattern curling down his right arm, that I was fond of. 

I didn't know what or how this had happened to him. He was hurt, and only when he awoke fine and breathing would I care. I had Ayako call the cops, too. 

Not being able to do anything, you go a little stir crazy. Even in your own home.

Hours, it had been.

But when I saw his eyes flutter, I perked up from my daze like a deer released from the trace of headlights. 

He was awaking. 


Tatsuo's POV

The world looked groggy around me, and the voices stopped tearing at my mind. I saw a ceiling, littered with glow-in-the-dark stars.

Was I dead?

I thought as much, until I heard someone whisper, "Finally, Sleeping Beauty." 

I rocketed forward into a sitting position, which was a huge mistake. A head-splitting pain bolted up my back like a crocodile in a river. 

I let out a small yelp, and then I saw him. "Oh, be careful. Your back... it's bruised in several places."

"Juwon?" I stared at him, my eyes still adjusting. He smiled and rested his hands on my shoulders. I flinched at the touch. He sighed. 

"Where am I?" I asked, leaning forward, trying to escape the pain. 

"My house. Safe." he stared right back at me, trying to keep the smile on his face. "I called the cops, too. They already caught the guys." 

"It was you. You found me." I hissed, unsure of how to feel. "You were following me!"

Destiny [Juwon + Tatsuo]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin