Chapter Six: Elena

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My first kiss was two days ago and I can't stop thinking about it. About him. It's safe to say that I have been avoiding Rooben since we played tonsil tennis but that hasn't stopped me from constantly thinking about him, his face, his body and how he kissed. Oh my goat, I think I might be in love with his mouth. I've spent the last two days avoiding he should not be named and just trying to keep to myself. I have been talking to July but I refuse to tell her everything about... that guy. I told her about what he said to me but I did not ,repeat not, tell her that he was my first kiss because, hello, it's so embarrassing that an almost eighteen year old has never been kissed before. I have been standing in the kitchen for the last two hours just looking down at my phone, doing a buzzfeed quiz to find out if I'm an Apple or a Pear when footsteps approach and I glance up.

'Mister Antonopolous,' I begin before being cut off mid sentence.

'Stay away from my son,' he says with an angry but restrained look on his face, 'he's no good for you, trust me, I know him. He's my son after all.'

I'm shocked for a good few seconds as I lift my jaw from the floor. 'I don't even like him, know him, it's just that-'

He cuts me off again. The asshole. Like Father like Son.

'I saw you kiss him. In the pool. The other day. And I just want you to know that, sometimes a pretty painting is created from ugly circumstances...'

And on that note, he turns on his shiny shiny black shoes that cost more than my life and exits the kitchen with me standing by the counter in pure disbelief. What did all that mean? Pretty picture? Ugly circumstances? I don't understand that metaphorical bullshit one bit. I plop my phone onto the counter and turn my body away from the door as I walk towards the fridge when another set of footsteps approach but I ignore them. Whoever it is will most likely leave me alone and ignore me just like everyone else in the house. A tap on my shoulder makes me jump and before I even turn around from the fridge I know who it is.

'You just couldn't stay away could you, little Elena...' That stupid British accent mumbles as he tugs on a strand of my long and thick hair. I turn abruptly and slap his hands away.
'Leave me the fuck alone,' I mutter quietly enough for other members of the house to not hear but loud enough for him to feel the anger behind the words.
'I know that you've been away for a long ass time but here's some simple information for you. This is the only fridge in the house, and considering the fact that, you guessed it, I too live in this house, this is where I get food. Because food is something you need to survive so I come to the kitchen and get food which I then put insid-'

My gesturing and slow sarcastic tone makes him cut me off mid sentence.

'You need to stop this,' he begins to say as he begins pressing me into the now closed fridge and every inch I'm losing air to breathe, 'stop making me mad. Stop turning me on with that smart mouth. Stop looking at me like I'm a lion and you're a baby gizelle that I am going to devour. Because I will if you're not careful.'

I gasp and he takes the opportunity to crash his lips down on mine and for the millionth time today I am shooked. His tongue sweeps inside my mouth and he tastes like happiness and joy and orange juice. Deliciousness. He munches on my lips like I'm a scone filled with jam and cream and oh my god, I can't breathe. I physically can't breathe. I pull my lips away quickly and push at his chest.

'Stop kissing me!' I nearly scream at him and I turn away before he can see the tears building in my eyes. He keeps playing me. Like a game of guess who. He just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing but it's all a game. A joke. I know deep deep down that he doesn't care about me.

He looks shocked as I turn and wipe the one tear that fell from my eye. I bolt out of the kitchen and damn near run to my bedroom. I run past the swimming pool, I run past the greenhouse and I run and run and run until my lungs are burning and I see the little hut that mom and I live in. I grab the door handle and yank it over and slam it behind me. Thank goodness my mom isn't home because she would've killed me if she heard me slam the door. I fall dramatically onto my no mattress bed and bury my face into my hands and sob. I cry until I can barely breathe. I cry until my heart hurts less. I cry and I cry and I-

'Hey,' A soft British accent coos and I look up, 'I didn't mean to make you cry. Not again. I'm sorry... I can't watch you cry. Not because of me."

I wipe my tears and sit up, back against my wall narrowly missing the big ass hole in my wall . 'Then stop playing games with me...' I whisper but can't meet his eyes. Those deep deep blue beautiful eyes. Then he does something that shocked me. Again. He sits down on the bed and pulls me into his arms and rocks me. This.... This is not what I expected. He rocks me back and forth as I cry a little more and he murmurs apologies into my hair and it makes me cry even more. This continues for what feels like years but is most likely only minutes.

I feel vulnerable and I open my heart a little bit, 'Do you even like me? Even a little...?'

He lifts up my chins and looks deep into my eyes, 'Oh Elena, if only you knew....'

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