Chapter Eighteen: Elena

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I have never been on a plane before. But this? This is no average plane. I think the correct term for it is a private jet. After a hard night of sleep as Roo slept on the floor mattress with me, we were more than happy to get on this luxurious flying mini house. This jet has everything you could possibly need. Beautiful leather seats, a big ass bar with freshly squeezed OJ and, guess what, a BEDROOM. There is a full on bedroom outback with an en suite bathroom and everything. This jet is bigger and better than the shed I live in with my Mom. I sit in a plush leather seat while Rooben sits across from me, smiling at my excitement. The one flight attendant walks to my side with a champagne glass and a bowl full of fruit salad. Holy shit. It is so fancy.

'Here you go Miss Rodriguez, let me know if there is anything else I can get you before we take off.' Melanie, the flight attendant, says with a smile.

Rooben hands me a fork for my salad and continues to stare at me as I experience this whole other lifestyle that I have never even felt a part of before. I sit from the champagne glass and eat the delicious fruits but there is a part of me that will be terrified when we actually take off.

'Are you nervous love?' Rooben says as I look outside the little small window next to me.

I nod and he stands from his seat and kneels in front of me.

'Don't be nervous my beautiful girl, it's nothing. It's quite nice when you get used to it. It's soothing. Just see it as a superpower; being able to fly and see the world from a great height... I'll be right here, okay love?'

I nod and I run my fingers through his beautiful and thick hair and I smile. I just might be falling in love with you Rooben Antonopoulos.

Flying is the scariest fucking thing on the planet. I don't know how people do it so often. I basically squealed when we started rushing down the runway and started to go high high high up into the sky. Rooben held my hand and made sure I was okay and I knew it that moment that I made the right decision coming with him to London. I could say that the eight hour flight was quick and easy but that would be a lie. The flight was long and hard but in the most luxurious way possible. The endless refills and food and snacks and the big bed at the back of the plane where Roo and I crashed for a few hours of the flight.

We land with a jolt and I startled slightly as Rooben rubs my back to comfort me and I look over to him in the seat next to me.

'Are you okay my love? Now that wasn't so bad was it?'

'Yeah I guess not...' I say with a smile, 'thanks for holding me during the flight.'
He shrugs and I smile wider. The whole flight he held me in one way or another. His hand in mine, hand on my thigh, hand in my hair.... The whole time.

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