Chapter One: Elena Rodriguez

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My mom's been cleaning the Antonopoulos house since before I can remember. I don't remember life before the Antonopoulos'. After my dad died when I was a baby, she had to do anything to keep me warm and fed, even if that meant getting on her hands and knees and cleaning Toronto's wealthiest family homes. You see, the Antonopoulos family are basically royalty. With a father who makes millions of dollars from merely breathing, a lazy housewife who a slight alcohol problem (but you didn't hear it from me) and two sons and one daughter, you have yourselves a family who have more money than sense. And you can trust me on that, I grew up in their house. I say house but let's be honest. My mother and I are, for lack of a better word, the help. We live in the guest house which is made up of two bedrooms and a small kitchen but it works for us. Me and mom.. Two peas in a pod. She's all I've ever known, my mom. We've had it rough but if I've learnt anything, when god hands you a woman who is willing to do anything for you, you have no other option but to love and cherish her.

Here's the lowdown in the Antonopoulos family. My mom started cleaning their house when I was seven. There are three Antonopoulos siblings but I have only had the pleasure of meeting two of the three. Sterling Antonopoulos and his little sister Ashleigh Antonopoulos. But the third. I've yet to meet Rooben Antonopoulos. The infamous twin of sterling was sent to boarding school in London before I can even remember. I don't know what he did to mommy and daddy dearest but it must have been bad for them to send their eight year old all the way across the world. But there are rumours. There are always rumours.

My eyes lift from the book in my hand as footsteps approach me.
"Elena," I hear in my mother voice, " come to the main house. Rooben has returned home from England."

I still. From England? He's back?
"Mom?" I ask confused, "what do you mean he's back?"

"He's home for the summer. Come say hello. Quickly!"

My footsteps pat against the wooden floor as I run barefoot into the main house and crash head first into a wall. I look up. Wall? No I mean a chest. A hard chest. I look up, in the most stunning eyes I've ever seen. Blue. Like the crystal water I imagine from a tropical island. I gasp. And he smiles. He's smiling at me. He just saw me check him out. Oh dear. Oh no.

"Excuse you...," says a deep masculine beautiful voice dripping in the most delicious British accent.

"I'm, um, I'm so sorry I didn't see...." I mumble as I try to keep my tongue inside my mouth.

He eyes me but he's eyes turn from playful to hard. His eyes land on my feet. My bare feet. He looks away in disgust.


I roll my eyes, "I'm sorry," I say sarcastically, "I didn't realise that bare feet would be so hard to look at. Do they not have feet in London?"

"Elena!" My mother snaps from behind me. Oh shit I didn't even realise she's still behind me.

"I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking," I mutter with my head down.

"Don't apologise to me, you're very interesting." Rooben eyes me again but this time, it's different. That look in his eyes. I've never seen it before. It's new. It's that voice. That accent. I'm in so much trouble.

" I wasn't saying sorry to you," I say quietly so my mother doesn't hear. And there it is. That smile. I look away to fane disinterest.

His hand touches my shoulder and a jolt of electricity runs through me. What was that? I look up at him.

"You should really start being nice to me," he eyes me again, "little Elena, just remember, I'm basically your boss now," his says just as quietly as I did.

"I don't work for you," I basically spit at him as I turn on my bare feet and stomp away.

And just like I realised. This was going to one long summer.
A couple hours had passed since my first meeting with the Antonopoulos child that I had yet to meet. Child is not the correct term.  Man was more fitting. Yes, I get it. I am only seventeen and would be eighteen in merely months but this guy, this man, he was something else. He's only two years older than me but he feels decades older than me. Maybe it's the wealth. Maybe it's the accent. I don't know but there is something and Oh my God why am I still thinking about him. It's been hours.  He's arrogant and rude and entitled and everything I should hate. Everything I do hate. But fuck, it's like this pull I have towards him. A connection. It's so stupid but I feel like I know him. Like I get him and I'm gonna stop these thoughts right this second. Right now. I'm gonna stop. Elena stop. You don't need this. I have other shit to think about. Like my future. Like how I'm gonna tell Mom that I got accepted into Cambridge University and how I'm gonna go to college halfway around the world. That's what I should be thinking about. Not this. Not him.

My phone chimes from a text message and I pick it up from my bed. July, my best friend, has a habit for texting me when I need a distraction.

Come over to my place! I got into my dad's liquor cabinet.
Drinks and movie? Xxx

I smile at my phone. This girl. I feel like she has a sixth sense where she just knows when I wanna get out of this place. I pack an overnight bag and walk out of my room. The way the house is set up means I have to walk through the main house in order to get to the front gates. I walk past the foyer when I hear voices echoing from Mr Antonopulos' office.

'You're back for a reason son. Just keep your head down and focus on why you're here. No distractions,' Mr Antonopoulos' voice booms from behind the almost closed door.

'Yes Father, I am aware.'' Rooben's voice sounds slightly angered which surprises me. No one ever raised their voice to Mr Antonopoulos. I step away towards the front door and the floor creaks. It fucking creaks alerting everyone nearby that I am here and I was listening. The door swings open showing Rooben and his father eyeing me with annoyance. I tilt my head down.

'I'm sorry,' I gesture to the front door in front of me, 'I was just heading out.' My voice shakes slightly which pisses me right the fuck off. Why does he intimidate me? Rooben. I'm both fascinated and fucking terrified of the man and it's aggravating.
Mr Antonopoulos nods and slams the door.
'Thanks Sir!,' I whisper sarcastically and I salute the closed door as I head out for an escape for the evening.

Just For The Summer: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now