District Of Lights

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The weekend ended just as quickly as it came and you were anxiously sitting in your chair as you waited for the new professor to show up, all the while glancing down on your phone to memorize von Kaiser's face. More and more did you begin to feel like your world was about to go up in flames. Even Asriel's more than obvious staring went completely unnoticed in your state of paranoia. It was only when he tapped you on your shoulder that you finally snapped out of your trance like state, nearly slashing him with your claws in the process.

Asriel simply sat there, stammering words as he looked like death missed him by the breadth of a hair. Just a tiny bit closer and Asriel would be dead. It took him several minutes until he finally regained his composure but you were still in shock. This could have turned incredibly ugly incredibly quick and you could only hope that nobody saw what just happened.

You were just about to apologize, when the door opened and the new professor stepped in. He was a rather old looking man, early sixties maybe, dressed completely in the stereotypical college professor attire. He even carried a brown leather suitcase with him. A pair of glasses, made from a thin looking metal frame, sat on his nose, aiding his slowly fading eyesight. Even his hair fitted the position he held at this college, almost making him look like the cliché mad scientist that he hopefully wasn't.

Once he placed his suitcase on the table in front of him, he turned towards the class. "Good morning students. My name is Eckhart Liogan and I'll be your new professor starting today," his accent, although barely noticeable, perfectly fitted the mad scientist cliché.

You constantly switched back from looking at your phone and scanning the new professors face in an attempt to find any similarities between his and von Kaiser's but there was nothing. They had absolutely nothing in common expression wise. This was nothing more than a delusional belief conjured by your paranoid mind and on top of that you nearly ripped Asriel apart. What a great way to start the day.

"Young man, could you please put your handy away?" the gray haired professor looked at you with a stern expression, though his demand did raise a few confused eyebrows. "Pardon me, what do you call these things over here? Cellphone? Just put that thing away and make sure it's turned off."

You did as you were told and the class began. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and everything proceeded as usual. A lecture about stuff you never knew you didn't need to know and how to put it into use, should the unlikely scenario ever arise. Seriously, who is Toni and why does he have 2000 chocolate bars? Why can't you have Toni's 2000 chocolate bars?

As the class proceeded, your new professor did come up with a rather dubious question though.

"This question might be unrelated to our current topic, but I do enjoy to mixing things up a little. Keeps the mind sharp," the words of the old man peaked your attention. "Imagine the following scenario. You're are leading a facility that attempts to decode the human genome while simultaneously researching ways to modify it. You're initial funding is ten billion dollars. In your first year, you receive and additional funding of 1 billion dollars while your expanses accumulate to 1.1 billion dollars. Both, funding and expanses vary by ± 10% of their original price every year. What is the longest time your facility can run, what is the shortest?"

You felt like you knew the answer but were hesitant to raise your hand, especially since it would be weird to give an answer that has nothing to do with math.

Everyone was busy typing on their calculator while others tried to solve the problem in more traditional ways. A few minutes in and people were still calculating. Seeing that this would probably take some more time, you decided to raise your hand.

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