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"Dada!" Ruby whisper-shouted as she poked her father, who was still sound asleep. Josh groaned and rolled over toward his daughter. 

"Hi, Ruby." He whispered tiredly. "Why're you up and how did you get out of bed?" 

"Tyla helped." She giggled. 

Josh smiled and hummed. "And where is he now?" 

"Bathroom. He's been there for a while." 

"Alright." Josh yawned and stretched loudly.  

"Dada, I hungry." Ruby climbed onto her father's bed and started to bounce. "I want food!" 

"Okay okay!" Josh rolled over and caught the girl mid-jump, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles. "You're so energetic in the morning!" 

"No! Stop!" Ruby struggled as Josh tickled the laughter out of her little body. "Dada, stop it!" 

Josh chuckled. "Alright." Ruby gasped. "Breakfast time?" 

"Yes please." 

"Pancakes?" Ruby nodded excitedly. "Alright, go wait in the living room, please." 


Josh chuckled quietly to himself as he turned to the bathroom door. He frowned when he saw the light was off, but he didn't want to barge in if Tyler wasn't decent, so he knocked. 

When eh answer came, Josh moved closer, placing his head against the door to listen for any sounds coming from inside. He did in fact here something. It was faint, but he was sure he heard....crying? 

"Tyler?" Josh tried the nob, but it was locked. Josh raised his voice. "Tyler?

"I'm-I'm sorry!" Choked sobs came from the other side of the door. This made Josh panic. 

"Tyler, what's going on in there!? What are you doing?" Josh got closer to the door. He could hear Tyler grunt, along with the shake of a pill bottle. 

"Oh shit." Now Josh was panicking. "Tyler no!" He looked around for ways to get the door open, but the only thing that came to mind was breaking it down. "Tyler, I'm going to break the door down!" 


Josh ignored him and backed away from the door slightly. He struck the door with his foot and it did nothing but rattle the frame. 

"Dada?" Ruby was now standing in the hallway. 

"Go back in the living room and turn on cartoons." He kicked the door again and the wood cracked a little this time. Ruby didn't move. "Now Ruby!" 

The little girl gasped and disappeared quickly. 

On the third try, the lock gave in and the door swung open. Tyler immediately looked up, his face red and eyes were swollen from crying. He had a bottle of pills and seemed to be struggling to open them. 

Josh stood in the doorway for a moment and Tyler took the opportunity to pry the pill bottle open. He cried out as the lid popped off. 

Josh lunged at him, knocking the bottle out of his hands, sending pills flying everywhere. 

"No!" Tyler screamed and flailed his arms as Josh tried grabbing him. "Stop!" 

"No, Tyler!" 

The smaller boys body finally gave up. Tyler ceased all movement, allowing Josh to grab his arms. "I'm sorry." He whispered, giving into his emotions. He burst into tears, letting his body fall onto Josh's. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay." Josh whispered, rubbing circles into the boys back. "I'm here." 

"Josh, I-I-" 

"Shhh. It's okay." Josh hugged his body tight as he cried. 

"I-I'm so sorry." 

Ruby heard from the other room and couldn't help her curiosity. She quietly made her way down the hallway, until she was at the bathroom door, peering around the corner.

Josh was the first to see her. "Ruby." he growled. 

Tyler picked his head up and looked at the girl. She gasped when she saw his face. 

"Oh no." She whispered. "Tyla is sad." 

Tyler chuckled sadly. 

"Ruby go back to the-" 

"No, no please." Tyler interrupted him. "Come here please." Ruby looked at her father for approval and he nodded, so she slowly entered the room, avoiding the scattered pills on the floor. 

Tyler pulled back slightly from Josh to free an arm and let in Ruby. 

"I'm so sorry Ruby." Tyler whispered as he hugged her little body tightly. 

"It's otay Tyla." She responded softly, hugging him back just as tight. Though she was oblivious, she still understood. 

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