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Josh was pacing back and forth in the small apartment he owned. His nails had been bitten down to the flesh, to the point to draw a small amount of blood.

His pacing was ceased when his ear picked up on the knocking coming from his door. Josh's feet were fast to carry him to the door, answering it as quickly as he could.

"Joshua Dun?"

Josh sighed in relief. "That me. Please come in." He opened the door wider as the two officers stepped in. "Thanks you so much for coming."

The shorter one nodded. "I'm officer Ross and this is my partner, officer Urie. I belive you called for your missing daughter?"

"Yes, she was there one minute then gone the next! She just-"

"Sir, please calm down. We're going to do everything we can to find your daughter, but first we need you to answer some questions."

Josh nodded and fiddled with his fingers.

"So, where was the last you saw your daughter?"

"Glendale Liberty Park."

Officer Urie listened as he wrote the information down on a pad of paper.

"Could you give us some information on her daughter. Her name, age, etc."

"Y-yeah. Her name is Ruby and she's almost two. She has long, brown hair and bright green eyes."

"What was she wearing when you last saw her?" Ross asked.

"Um, she had on a light pink dress, white stocking and her shoes are white."

"Okay. Thank you and how long has she been missing."

Josh tapped his foot thinking. "Uh, couple hours now?"

"Do you have a picture of her?"

"Yes! In the photo albums." Josh walked over to a bookshelf and pulled out a big, leather book full of photos. The first one he saw when he opened the book was a photo of him, Ruby and her mom. It broke his heart to think about her, but he had other things to worry about, so he pulled out that photo and handed it over to the officer.

"Okay. We'll put up signs and send out a couple officers to search the area around the park. Is that alright?"

"Yes. Thank you so so much."

The short officer smiled. "We will find her. Don't worry."


"Tyer?" Ruby moved closer to the dirty male in search of some sort of warmth. Tyler had helped this little girl look for her father all day, but they had no luck and now it was starting to get cold.

"Yeah?" Tyler was exhausted and was now taking Ruby back to his 'home' under a bridge not to far from where they were now. 

""M c-cold." 

Tyler did notice her icy fingers as they gripped tighter to his own and the way her fragile body shook every so slightly. The farther the sun disappeared into the hills, the darker the sky got and the colder the air got. 

Tyler sighed and slipped his only jacket off of his shoulder and knelt down to wrap it around her smaller frame. As soon as it was on her, she was quick to grip the mans fingers again. 

"Tank you, Tyer." 

Tyler had no idea how frightened this girl was. So far from home this late at night. Probably starving and she really missed her mom and dad. Her little mind couldn't comprehend how bad the situation was, but Tyler was going to fix it. 

"You're welcome sweetheart." 

Tyler soon found home and sighed in relief when they got there. Ruby yawned tiredly, so Tyler thought it best to wrap her up in the few blankets he had to keep her warm while she slept. 

The third and last blanket was draped over the sleeping body, as Tyler's body ached for some warmth, but he refused to give in. As much as he wanted the heat, she needed it. 

He really could not sleep, due to the cold, so he just thought. Thinking was a pretty good pass time and distraction. And while he did his thinking, he came up with a solution for Ruby's problem. 

As soon as the sun came up, Tyler was going to find something for the little girl to eat, then take her to the police. He was mentally face palming himself for not doing this before, but it was to late to do it now and Ruby was sleeping. Tyler didn't want to wake her. She looked so peaceful when she slept. 

After about an hour of thinking, Tyler eventually passed out from exhaustion in the icy grass. It had been a while since he actually got a good nights rest. The last time he could remember was when he ran into another homeless who went by the name of Andy. 

One day, they both ran into each other and they became friends. Andy lead Tyler to this place under the bridge, which was much nicer than where Tyler had been sleeping before and after that, he slept like a baby every night. One morning, Tyler woke up and Andy was gone. He never came back.

Since then, he hasn't been able to sleep very well. Maybe before, it was knowing there was someone keeping him company that helped him sleep. Who knows?


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