Kelly smiled sadly as she watched her son from his doorway. He was gathering some last minute things he left behind and putting them into his suitcase Josh has let him borrow. Tyler didn't notice her at first and just continued to pack his drawings. It was only when she sighed, that Tyler noticed her. 

He looked up and frowned deeply. Even though they were never really close, Tyler knew deep down that she was his mother and she cared deeply about him. And even though he was never forgive her for what she did to him, he still loved her. 

"Mom don't cry." He approached her as she quickly tried to wipe her face. "Please." 

She chuckled sadly. "I'm sorry honey, it's just-" She grabbed his hands. "I just got you back and even though I'm happy for you, I'm going to miss you very much." 

"Mom, it's not like I'm going away forever." He smiled, trying and failing to lighten the mood. He was never really great at these situations. Then again, Tyler had never really been in these type of situations. "I'll still visit. I'll come home for the holidays okay?" 

Just then Josh appeared behind Tyler's mother, making both of them turn to him. 

"Um," Josh felt awkward. "Our flight leaves in an hour and it's about a fifteen minute drive out." Tyler nodded and Josh disappeared. 

"I guess you should go now." Kelly was getting all choked up again. 

Tyler had no words, so instead he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his mother. Her response was bone crushing. "Goodbye mom." 

"I'll help you with your bags." 

Downstairs, everyone was waiting. Josh stood by the door while everyone else sat in silence i the living room. No one knew what to say.

Tyler and his mother appeared from the stairs and everyone perked up. 

"Well," Tyler spoke, breaking the silence in the room. "This is it." 

Tyler father was the first to rise. "I'm uh, I'm gonna miss you son." 

Tyler smiled. "I'm going to miss you too dad." 

Chris groaned. "Damn it, now you gonna make me cry." 

Tyler chuckled and hugged his dad. 

For the next five minutes, 'goodbyes' were exchanged between his family. They were all sad to see him go so soon, but they also knew he was in good hands. 

"You take care of my boy, got it?" Kelly hollered as they pulled away. 

"Bye everyone!" Tyler's hand was out of window, waving until his family was out of sight. 


"This will be my second time on a plane in less than a month." Tyler chuckled as the three of them sat down to wait for there plane. 

"I love flying!" Ruby exclaimed happily. 

"I hate flying." Josh grumbled. 

Tyler was a bit surprised. "You hate flying?" 

Josh shrugged. "I'm terrified of heights." Just the thought made him shudder. 

Tyler smiled to himself. He was grateful that Josh had faced his fear just to come get him. No one had ever done anything like that for him. "I don't mind it." 

"Well, you've only been on a plane once." Josh stated, matter of factly. 

"You're just mad because you have to do it again." 

Josh rolled his eyes and smiled. 

Soon, there flight was called and they were all making their way to their seats. Tyler got the window seat, but Ruby convinced him into trading. Tyler didn't mind. Josh on the other hand, wanted to stay as far away from the window as possible. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts, we are preparing to take off." 

Josh grew tense and Tyler noticed and frowned. Ruby, on the other hand, was jumping down in her seat. 

"Have you ever traveled before?" Tyler asked curiously. 

"Yeah, but the last time a flew before this was when I was married and she would always hold my hand when we took off."

Tyler glanced down at Josh's hand, which was clinging tightly to the armrest, then looked back up at Josh, who's eyes were now screwed shut. He hummed as he placed his own hand over Josh's on the armrest.

Josh opened his eyes and looked down at their hands, then up at Tyler who was looking forward and had a ghost of a smile on his lips. 

Josh smiled proudly and let out a sigh of relief as the plane slowly started to move forward. He looked over at Ruby, who had her eyes glued to the window, but quickly had to look away or he would be sick. 

"Thanks Tyler." Josh whispered so quietly that Tyler could not hear him, but somehow Tyler already knew. 


Ruby ~Joshler~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant