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For a moment, Tyler thought he must've been dreaming. That was it! Tyler had fallen asleep under the tree and now he must be dreaming. 

He looked all around for any signs that it was a dream, but everything seemed normal. Tyler could see his siblings playing together while his parents watched over them. They were both smiling, though his dad looked like he was forcing himself. 


Tyler was pulled back to his senses as he turned back to the small girl. "Ruby, what-what are you doing here?" He laughed and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her in for a big hug. "How?" Ruby pulled back and pointed to the sky. 

As Tyler looked up, a big plane flew overhead. "Oh, you flew?" Ruby nodded and Tyler laughed loudly just as his family was walking back. 

"Do you know her?" Jay was the first to speak as he kneeled down to her level. 

Tyler nodded. "Yeah, this is Ruby. I met her before I came here. She was looking for her-" Tyler paused into an awkward silence. 

Jay and Zack looked at each other, both puzzled. "Looking for her?" 

"Ruby!" Tyler turned her towards him. "Where is your dad?" 

"Look!" Maddy spoke suddenly. "It's that boy Tyler draws." 

Every head turned to see where she was pointing and across the playground is where he stood. His arms folded and his body leaning against the tree. He had a ghost of a smile on his face. 

"Wow, a total stranger." Zack snorted. 

"Who's that?" Jay wondered out loud. 

Tyler stood up slowly, Ruby's hand in his. "Josh." He whispered. 


Tyler's lips turned up into a big smile. "Josh!" And he was off. Ruby held on tight and tried her hardest to keep up as they ran to the other side of the playground. 

"Tyler!" The older man opened his arms as Tyler crashed into him. 

Words could not describe how happy Tyler was. It was a bit cheesy, but little did he know, Josh loved cheesy. 

"God, I've missed you so much, Josh." Tyler wanted to cry into Josh's shoulder but restrained himself. 

Josh chuckled. "I've missed you too." Ruby giggled. 

Tyler pulled back and inhaled a shaky breath. "But why?" 

Josh sighed. "Well, after you left Ruby was miserable and I'll admit, I was a bit upset as well. Your company was nice and Tyler, I-I-" Tyler watched his eyes intently, waiting for him to speak. "I'm incomplete without you." 

Tyler smiled and went back in for another hug. 

"And if it wasn't for your mom, I wouldn't be here today." Josh nodded towards his family who was now standing only a few feet away. 

Tyler turned around, still on cloud 9. "Mom, you did this?" 

"Well, Josh was the one who called me. It was his idea." Tyler turned back to Josh and smiled up at him. "And Tyler honey?" She walked up to the two and she was frowning for some reason. 

"What-what is it?" Tyler turned fully to face his mother who looked as if she could burst into tears at any moment. 

His father stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on his wife's shoulder. "We think you should go back home with Josh." 

For a moment, Tyler was shocked. He stumbled over his words. "But, this is my home. Isn't it?" Tyler gestured to his surrounding. He was just starting to get used to it and now he was being told he should leave it all. Maybe this would be a good time to enjoy the scenery. 

His parents glanced at each other. His mother was the one to speak. "Well, just look at you." She placed both of her hands on each of his shoulders. She was getting choked up. "I haven't seen you this happy once since you were here." She glanced over her son's shoulder to look at Josh, who was watching patiently. "Heck, you haven't smiled at any of us the way you've smiled at us." 

Suddenly, Tyler felt guilty. "Mom, I-" 

"No, no Tyler. It's okay. It's a good thing. I'm not upset or angry whatsoever." she looked up at Josh and Ruby. "They're your real home." 

As much as Tyler was happy to hear this, he still felt like he had to stay. They are his biological family after all. "I'll miss you all." 


Every pair of eyes traveled down to the girl. She was now standing in front of her older brother, both her hands behind her back. It was now Tyler's turn to get all choked up. "Yes Maddy?" 

She looked down at her feet briefly as if she was nervous. 

"It's okay Maddy, I won't bite." Tyler reassured, wiping his face stray from tears. 

"I, uh-" She revealed her hands which were grasping a small piece of paper. "I tried to copy your drawings and wanted you to have it." She held it up to Tyler, high and proud. He took it and gazed down at the drawing.

It was a small drawing of Josh and Ruby, but as stick figures. Above each figure were their names. Josh, was written in golden yellow and Ruby's name in bright red. 

"I wrote all of our names on the back so you wouldn't forget us." 

Tyler gasped quietly, quickly turning the page. It read, 'Mommy, Daddy, Jay, Zack, and Maddy.'

Tyler laughed and bent down to hug his sister. "Oh, Maddy. I would never forget you. I'm still going to visit." 

Maddy pulled back. "Can Ruby visit too?" 

From behind, the little girl giggled behind her dad's legs. Tyler sighed, "Of course she can." 


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