It's My Own Fault For Loving You

Start from the beginning

"No, no, you go on that date! It's perfectly fine with me. After all I wouldn't want to get in the way of you crazy love birds!" I tried my best to sound chipper and cheery.

"Thanks, Lucy! Promise I will make it up to you." She said excitedly and I couldn't help but smile. As long as she was happy, I was okay. That's all that mattered. Besides, I didn't deserve Natsu's heart. I was just an ordinary girl.

Gildarts walked into class with a textbook at hand. He made his way to his desk and sat down. He looked pretty annoyed by how loud the class was.

"Alright, class take your seats." He spoke at a normal tone but then noticed that no one even cared to listen.

"I said 'Take your seats'!" His voice boomed and the whole school shook. Everyone ran to their desk quickly without a second thought.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" Everyone said in union and saluted. Lisanna sat at her normal seat on the the other side of class. Awe, I wanted to talk to my best friend more!

"Okay, so this is what we are doing today," He wrote on the board some random equations and said, "Just do your thing and leave me be." He leaned back in his chair and took a bottle of whiskey out of his drawer and drank it in nearly one gulp. 'Like father, like daughter.' I thought, thinking about his daughter Cana. The whole class broke out in frenzy and started talking and breaking into fights. Total chaos as always.

After several minutes, Gildarts was already on his sixth bottle and everyone had been fighting each other. I was getting bored after a while and decided to continue reading my favorite book for the six-hundredth time. Until, I noticed a figure in the doorway.

"Ahem!" Aquarius stepped forward into the class with a boy behind her.

Gildarts quickly sat up straight and tried his best to act like he was teaching.

"And the answer is forty-two!" He pointed towards the board, nervously sweating. "Ah, Ms. Aquarius, I didn't see you there. What brings you here?" He said cooly. She grabbed the boy and pushed him inside.

"I caught this transfer from Sabertooth, trying to skip class. I hope you will handle this." She turned away from the class and left. That woman was scary as hell. She gave me the chills.

"Oh great, another kiddie." Gildarts clapped his hands. "Oi, listen up! We got a new kid!" The whole classes attention was brought to the blond boy in the front of class. The whole class began to whisper with each other over the blond boy.

"Go ahead introduce yourself. I ain't gonna do it." Mr. Gildarts waved towards the class. The blond boy rolled his eyes probably annoyed by the fact that he had to go to school instead of ditching.

"The name is Sting Eucliffe. I transferred from Sabertooth and-" Before he could finish his sentence the whole class erupted in 'Boo's'. Fairy Tail and Sabertooth were rivals which was the cause of the hate.

"I see you guys really do love Sabertooth." He said sarcastically.

"Alright quiet down everyone. Sting you can take a seat next to Lucy. Lucy raise your hand so he can see where you are." Mr. Gildarts said and I raised my hand. When Sting's eyes met mine, I could see the smirk on his lips. He made his way towards me and I avoided his burning stare.

"Hey there Blondie!" He smirked. I didn't know why he called me Blondie and wondered if he knew he was in fact blonde too.

"My name is Lucy, not Blondie." I clarified.

"I like Blondie better." He said playfully and I chose to ignore him. I continued to read my books as he kept on being an annoyance.

"Hey Blondie, pay attention to me." He continued to poke my cheek. I rolled my eyes and waited for the bell to save me. I begged for my prayers to be answered and they sadly weren't.

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