Chapter 24

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"I asked Temari to marry me last night when I took her to dinner." He smiled widely at Gaara who handed him a glass.

"All this love in the air." Gaara joked as he handed the rest of us one as well. He raised his glass and motioned for the rest of us to do so as well. "A toast, to my older sister Temari, and her new engagement with Shikamaru!"

"To you!" we all yelled.

"Also I'd like to toast to Kankuro and Naomi for their new relationship." He winked at us and smiled.

"Relationship?!" Temari and Shikamaru both said at the same time.

"Yeah, that's right. We're dating now." Kankuro pulled me in, planting a big kiss on my cheek as I laughed.

I walked over and hugged Temari, then Shikamaru tightly. "I'm so happy for you." I beamed up at him.

He squeezed me tighter and laughed. "Yeah, thanks. I'm happy for you too."

Kankuro stood up suddenly. "Shit we have to go!" he grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the kitchen.

"I'll see you guys!." I yelled back to my friends still in the kitchen.

I sat there at the back of the classroom, as I watched Kankuro teach these young shinobi some tricks of the trade, as he smiled at me any chance he got.

It's hard to believe that a week ago I was at home, thinking that he would never talk to me again, then here I was. My life was turning around completely and I couldn't wait to see what it had in store.

The end!!!
I really hope you all liked this story, I worked really hard on it! Feel free to message me any comments or even story requests. Thank you again!!! ;}

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