Chapter 19

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It felt so right, I had never expected that we would have made up so fast. His lips were soft and warm on mine. I was half tempted to cancel dinner right there and go back to his room.

I turned around, holding onto his hand as I started pulling him to the street so we could go to dinner finally.

(KPOV) I could still taste her sweet lips, long after she kissed me like that. I pulled a chair out for her at the restaurant I took her to. It wasn't a normal Sake house, it was exclusive members only. Seeing that my father; the fourth Kazekage, was the former owner, Gaara and I owned it now.

We sat outside under the moonlight at a small round glass table. The stars were shining bright in her beautiful eyes, and her smile was killing me. It was so strange, sitting there with her, she looked like a goddess in a dark dress, her pale skin was shimmery from the candle light.

"Would you like another shot?" I offered some sake to her grinning.

"Kankuro!" she laughed, "Are you trying to get me drunk?"

"Maybe a little." I poured her another one.

"I think we both know that the last time we did this, I ended up doing some very regretful things." She looked down, tucking a strand of hair back.

I reached over and placed my hand on hers, as she locked eyes with me.

"Naomi, I won't let anyone ever hurt you again." I reassured her. "Not to mention, if anyone takes you home tonight it's going to be me."

She laughed loudly, I was so relieved I could be a pervert without her getting mad anymore.

"So what 'arrangement' were you and Gaara talking about earlier?"

She looked down at her salad and sat up straight looking at me with a huge smile. "Lord Kazekage has asked me to become a permanent resident here in the Hidden Sand Village."

"He what?!" I stood up so fast, she flinched a little. I started pacing back and forth rambling to her. I was so shocked, and happy. I stopped in front of her as she laughed loudly again. "So what did you tell him?"

She turned toward me, and crossed her right leg over left slowly, and for a moment on her hip I saw her black thong. "I said yes of course." She looked up at me again with those enchanting eyes, and I was so overwhelmed. I couldn't handle it anymore.

(NPOV) I watched Kankuro as he knelt down to eye level with me.

"Naomi," he said lustfully. "Please, I can't handle it any longer. I want you. I want you bad, it's all I can think about here lately." His eyes were burning into mine, as he grabbed my hands.

"Kankuro," I blushed.

"I want you to be my girl." He said blushing again and squeezing my hand. " Naomi, what do you say, will you be mine."

I gripped his collar with both my hands and pulled him in hard to kiss him. I was so overwhelmed with happiness. "Do you even have to ask?" I said pressing my forehead to his.

I leaned back, and stood up.

"Where are you going?" he said following me. "We haven't had dessert yet?"

I turned back to him, flashing him my leg, all the way up to my underwear. "You want to have desert somewhere else?" I said half sexy, half joking.

Within 2 seconds he was on me like glue. "Oh really?" He was so intense, holding my arm tightly.

"Come with me, maybe we will see how this night ends?" I smirked at him, copying what he had once said to me.

"Naomi, don't joke with me." His eyes were serious. "I won't think twice you know."

I blushed and looked down smiling like crazy, I couldn't believe it. In one day I made up with Kankuro, connected with the Kazekage, agreed to move here, agreed to date Kankuro, and I was about to give myself to him completely. I must be crazy, however it all felt so right. Here goes nothing!

(KPOV) Her eyes gave away her answer, a deep blush resting on her cheeks.

"Well I'm not wasting any time." I said as I scooped her up in my arms and leapt into the night. She screamed in excitement as I flew from building to building.

We landed on my roof, and I slipped her heels off, before setting her down, so she wouldn't trip and hurt herself up here. She took her braid out, lettering her dark hair fall over she shoulders.

"You are so beautiful." I whispered to her as we stood here on the roof under the moon. I pulled her to me, our lips crashing together again. I picked her up bridal style, still holding her little shoes on my finger. She started kissing the soft spot on my neck, driving me wild.

"Hold on tight." I warned her, before dropping off the roof, and swinging into my room. We landed on my bed, instantly making out. Her mouth was intoxicating to me, enticing me for more.

"Shouldn't you close the door?" she said pulling away from me and glancing at the open hallway.

I laughed and stood, quietly walking to the door. I didn't want Temari or Gaara to know we were home. I especially didn't want them to know what I was about to do to this woman.

I closed the door quietly locking it, before turning back to her. She was laying there on her side, propped up like a model. Her velvet dress, clinging to her perfect body. It was no wonder that Dog boy took his chance that night.

She wasn't a little girl anymore, she was a sexy grown woman, and her curves were like a winding road. She stretched one leg out, reviling that thong again. I hope she didn't spend too much money on that dress, because I was about to rip it off her.

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