Chapter 7

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(NPOV) I stood next to Kankuro, walking a bit behind Temari, and Shikamaru.

We passed the tea shop you could always find Sakura at. She glanced at me through the glass walking by, I waved and pointed to kankuro without him noticing. She spit her tea all over Ino, as she shot forward pressing her face to the glass, to get a better view of me as I walked by.

I laughed, waving to her again before turning the corner. I glanced up at kankuro, he looked nervous. Across from the restaurant we were about to walk into I made eye contact with kiba. He stood there leaning against a door with a beer in one hand, his other hand was in his pocket and his gaze was serious. Locked in on me. I narrowed my eyes at him and stepped closer to Kankuro.

"Don't tell me you still have feelings for dog boy?" He said putting his arm over my shoulders and giving Kiba a grin. Kiba tossed his beer bottle in the trash and turned back to go in the bar, never breaking eye contact, until he slipped through the door.

"That's not really your business." I said sternly to him.

"Oh I see." He said pulling his arm off my shoulder and walking past me into the restaurant.

Temari gave me frown, "I'm sorry," she said. "He's not always this way."

Kankuro was a very attractive man. That was no lie, However, I was not so easily fooled. I gave my heart Kiba and he broke it. I was still healing and Kankuro had no right to be jealous of me, I wasn't his "property".

(KPOV) She seemed tense, I could tell by her face that she wasn't jumping at the idea of me. It's true, I had teased her before in the past, but I've grown since then. I'm not a kid anymore. I noticed Kiba as soon as we turned the corner, not that I cared about him standing there staring. He was a cool guy and all, but Shikamaru had told me about what he did to Naomi and it made me sad. He was missing out.

She made it clear to me real quickly that she was irritated with the situation. Why should I even try? I had high hopes about her earlier, but now I was feeling doubtful. I brushed past Temari, who I'm certain was giving me the dirtiest looks.

We all sat there at dinner, as we all talked about missions, friends, and each other. I glanced at Naomi again, catching her gaze. I smiled at her, as I took another shot of sake.

(NPOV) Kankuro sat across from me, looking at every chance he got. What could he be thinking? I took shot of sake, chasing it with some lemonade.

"I'm glad you came out with us tonight Naomi," Shikamaru said, pouring me another shot, and raising his glass to me. "To you Naomi, for all the help you were earlier."

"To you!" they all said, raising their glasses as well. I made eye contact with kankuro again, sitting there swirling another shot of sake in his glass, smiling deeply at me.

After a few bottles, I was defiantly feeling it strong.

Temari and Shikamaru were holding their alcohol way better than I was.

"Kankuro," Temari said as she stood up with Shikamaru. "Behave yourself, and make sure Naomi gets home ok." She smiled at me with a wave, before turning to leave.

"I guess that means it's time to go." He stood up, walking around to my side of the table.

(KPOV) She looked up at me with those irresistible eyes again, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol. I reached out for her hand, to help her stand up.

"I had a good time." She smiled at me sweetly again.

"Well, let's make it outside, then we can decide if this night is over or not." I winked down at her. I wanted her like crazy at that moment but she did not seemed amused as she crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat.

"What do you mean by that?" she said quietly.

"I just mean, that you look really good, and all this alcohol I've had has me feeling pretty horney." I tried out my best sexy smile on her.

"Kankuro, why do you always hit on me so much?" she said very bluntly. "I didn't get this dressed up just for you to picture taking it off of me." Her honesty was brutal, I tried to tell myself it was just the alcohol talking.

"Oh, sorry." I stuttered. She stood without grabbing my hand for assistance.

"I'm not an item." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"You don't think that maybe your overreacting a bit?" I snapped back at her, trying to keep my cool.

"I just can't help feeling that you thought it was sure thing tonight that you would finally get in my panties." She laughed a bit at her own boldness. She leaned into my ear, "The joke is on you though, I'm not wearing any panties." She smirked and twirled around and walked out.

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