Chapter 29: Jealousy Woes

Start from the beginning

“Kim-” Marshall started.

“Shut up!” She snapped.

Riley stepped forwards but he held her back with his shoulder, “Hey!” Proof ran up to the scene, sensing the incredible tension. He grabbed Riley and held her back, gently, trying to calm her down.

Kim set her furious eyes on him, scowling with an absolute ferocity. “I can’t believe you two would pull a ridiculous stunt like this after all these years! If you were out to hurt me, you’ve fucking done it!”

Marshall motioned her to calm, as confusion overwhelmed him. He glanced back and neither Proof nor Riley seemed to have any clue as to what Kim was talking about. “What?”

“Don’t play dumb with me,” Kim spat. “I can’t believe you’d be this childish! Just because I fell for it as a kid, doesn’t mean I did as an adult!” She gave an angry laugh, “And just to make me jealous?! You’ll have to try harder than that piece of meat-” She motioned to Riley.

Reacting violently, Riley struggled against Proof, ready to do some serious damage to Kim. “How dare you?!”

“Relax, Riley!” Proof yelled over the top of the commotion.

Marshall couldn’t make any sense of what was going on. “What are you talking about, Kim?!”

Kim swallowed and threw the envelope at him, “Ask your girlfriend.” He caught the envelope and was surprised to find it to be a little heavy. Stunned, he watched Kim storm away as quickly as she’d arrived. Once she was out of sight, Proof released Riley who seemed to be as furious as Kim was.

“Who does she think she is? Storming in here and screaming at us like that?” Riley asked, kicking the pavement, angrily.

Marshall glanced down at the envelope and up at Riley. What had Kim meant? Just as curious, Riley watched intently as he tore open the envelope, revealing a stack of old photos. Frowning, he pulled out the first one and recognized a very young version of himself. He wasn’t older than fifteen. He was standing in Marusso Park in one of his old sweaters with his arm around who he thought was Kim until he realized…

Riley grabbed the photo and looked shocked, “This is… me.” She glanced up at Marshall, confusion in her eyes.

As if someone had hit him, memories slammed back into his consciousness in a rush. He began to remember that first year of high school, when he’d met a girl named Riley who had rescued him from the inside of a locker. They’d been really good friends. He remembered all the times they’d hang out together and listen to music. As he strained his memory further, he arrived at the horrifying conclusion to their youthful friendship… he’d used her to make Kim jealous… and then she moved to Miami after she found out.

As he snapped out of his trance, he noticed Riley had tears in her eyes. Stumbling he asked, “Do you remember, too?”

She nodded but the look of pure hurt and sadness on her face was undeniable. “You…” She stepped backwards, clutching the photo. “You played me… all those years ago.”


“You broke my heart,” She shook her head, a tear escaping from her eyes and rolling down her cheek. As if his heart shattered into two, he realized the consequences of his youthful actions. At the time, he’d felt the same pain but he wasn’t forced to deal with Riley’s reaction. He’d… gotten Kim… what he wanted… and look how that had ended up. “All I wanted was to be with you.”

“Riley, that was years ago-”

“So it doesn’t matter?” She finished, throwing her arms out, demanding answer from him. But he knew better that to speak. She shook her head. “I can’t believe I forgot.” She dropped her arms, giving an angry sigh. “Has this been your plan from the beginning? Using me again to get back at your ex-wife? It seems to be a habit of yours.”

Marshall stepped forwards, feeling as if he was watching his whole world crash around him. “No! I didn’t remember until now! Just like you.” He took another step forwards and reached out to her. “Please, Riley-”

She recoiled, stepping backwards. “Get away from me.” She wiped her face and swallowed. “I can’t believe I moved here for you…” She continued to back away, headed for the road. Her voice sounded softer but still wounded as she spoke, “Proof… please take me home now.”

They’d carpooled to his house for the afternoon. Proof looked torn but Marshall nodded, knowing that Riley was going to need time to cool off. Proof offered him a supportive look but jogged after Riley who was storming off, just like Kim did.

Frustration welled up inside him as they disappeared. Unable to bear his own emotions he curled up his fists and launched one at the brick wall of his house. Pain flared through his knuckles and up his arm. Sighing, he retracted his first and let his knees buckle from the stress. Breathing heavily he was angry with himself for letting his recklessness catch up on him. He didn’t want to lose Riley. She was the best thing that had happened to him since he’d had Hailie. He loved her-

Opening his eyes, he realized what he just admitted to himself. He loved her. He… really loved her. And that’s when he knew, he had to fight for her. 

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