Chapter 1

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(NPOV) The summer crickets chirped all around me, as I sat by the pond behind my family's home. The moon was full and bright in the night sky, casting a peaceful glow on my surroundings. I scribbled in my journal, going over notes from that past week. Im a medical ninja in training, with my cousin Sakura. She is a year older than me, and never lets me forget it. Sakura is a very talented young woman, training under Lady Tsunade in her younger years.

She is 20 now, and I just turned 19 a couple of months ago. I have been training in the medical field for 3 years now, with 1 more year to go.

"Naomi." My mother called from the back door "It's late, come inside dear."

"I will come when I'm done mother." I called back without bothering to look away from my notes.

"All you do is study child, come inside and get some rest?" she called back.

I rolled my eyes and ignored her plea. I was like an owl, always up at the late hours of the night, admiring the calmness of the village while everyone slept. Mother finally gave up and closed the back door, leaving me to the night. I stared up at the moon, wondering if anyone else was admiring it right then too.

(KPOV) Little did she know that in the Land of Wind, a sninobi from the Hidden Sand Village was also admiring the moon.
   I sat on the roof of my home, and tinkered with one of my puppets. Night is the only time I can continuously work on my puppets without having to report to my brother; the Kazakage. Or to go out on daily missions.

I tediously unscrewed some bolts to replace them. My puppets were so detailed, and only I know how to fix them. I dedicated most of my time to them actually, making them stronger, and better each time I tinkered.

"Kankuro, Gaara wishes to see us!" My sister Temari yelled through the window below me. She always knew how to find me.

I frowned and stuffed every lose end into my bag, and swooped down through the window into my room.

Temari rolled her eyes "Have you ever heard of using a door?"

I laughed and tossed my bag on the floor, as Temari scrunched up her nose and looked around the room.

"Also, have you ever heard of cleaning your room?" She nagged.

I ignored her, as I walked past her out the door and down the hall to Gaara's office. He sat at his deck, filling out a scroll for our mission. He looked up at Temari and me standing there, ready for our news.

"I need you guys to bring this letter to the Hidden Leaf Village." He said as he placed an envelope on the desk, and pushed it forward. "It contains important information about the current ANBU stationed here in the Hidden Sand Village. The letter is to be given to the Hokage himself." He continued. "Kakashi expects you to arrive as soon as possible but be warned, there could be others waiting for you to arrive with that letter so they can attack you and steal all the information, don't let your guard down."

"Yes sir." We both replied.

"I want you to leave before dawn, so get some sleep." He waved us off.

We walked back to our rooms together, and I frowned down at Temari.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked rolling my eyes at her giddy smile.

"I'm just really excited to visit the leaf village again!" she said still smiling, "It's been far too long."

"You're just excited to see your boyfriend, Shikamaru." I joked.

"He's not my boyfriend!" she screamed as I quickly ducked into my room dodging her hits. I laughed to myself, 21 years old and I still teased my older sister any chance I got. I couldn't lie though; I was excited to return to the leaf village as well. I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about my new mission.

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