Love on the battlefield

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Kion and Fuli rush past fighting animals.

"Kion! Look out!" Fuli yells as a leopard and a crocodile tumble over their path.

Fuli quickly jumps over but Kion wasn't quick enough but he reflectively runs in a different direction.

Fuli looks over her shoulder to make sure Kion is still following her but all she could see around her were animals fighting. Fearing the worst, Fuli calls out for him.

"Kion?! Kion, where are you?!"

Her prayers were answered when she sees a lion with golden fur running past the fighting animals. Fuli tries to get to Kion but there were too many animals in the way.

"I'll meet up with you at PrideRock!" Kion yells.

Fuli nods and runs in a different direction. "Stay safe!"

Kion keeps running past the warring animals, not stopping for anything.

"KION!" Yells a voice.

Kion stops running and turns around. When he saw who the voice came from, he wished he hadn't looked.

"Janja." Kion growls.

Janja has surrounded Kion with 15, maybe 20 hyenas and jackals.

"I have a bone to pick with you! You shouldn't have come back here." Says Janja.

"I should've came back a long time ago, Janja. I will avenge my parents deaths and make sure you stay in the outlands forever!"

"That will never happen! You and your friends are going to die just like what you did to Damu!"

Janja snarls and lunges at Kion. Kion saw this coming and steps to the side which makes Janja crash into one of his henchmen.

Kion knew he didn't have time for this if he wanted to catch up with Fuli. Fuli! Kion looks towards PrideRock but there was no sign of her. He was both relieved and worried at the same time.

Kion shouldn't have let his guard down because next minute, two jackals lunge and pin him down. Kion tries to fight them off but more hyenas and jackals tackle him.

"Nowhere to run, Kion." Laughs Janja.

Kion growls at him.

"Tell your parents I said hi." Says Janja, putting a claw on Kion's throat.

"Zuka Zama!"

A bundle of blue and white fur jumps into the fight and onto Janja's head.

"Leave him alone, Janja!" Orders Bunga.

Bunga pulls on Janja's ears and all Janja could do was run around and try to shake him off.

"Get off!" He screams. "I already have four pups who do this to me, I don't need you doing it too!"

The other hyenas and jackals stare at their leader. Should they help? Should they kill their captive?

Their distraction was enough to give Kion the chance he needed to escape. He jumps up and shakes them off, only getting a few scratches across his body in the process.

"Don't let him escape!" Orders Janja.

His followers growl and slowly walk up to Kion, their mouths dripping with saliva.

"I don't have time for this." Kion lets out a frustrated growl and gets into attack position.

"Leave my friends alone!" Yells another voice.

Another ball of blue and white fur jumps into the fight.

"Asali!" Kion cheers.

Asali jumps onto the hyena and jackals heads and pulls their ears, punches and scratches them.

"Get the mongoose away from me!" Shrieks one of the hyenas.

Asali holds his tail to stop him running away.

"I...AM...A...HONEY BADGER!!!" Yells Asali, letting go.

The hyena runs and crashes into Janja which knocks them both unconscious. Bunga jumps off just in time and gracefully does a backflip before landing gently on the ground.

"Nice job." Says Bunga smiling at Asali and holing her paw.

"Not too bad yourself." Asali replies trying not to blush at the handsome honey bader in front of her.

"I'm Bunga, the bravest of the lion guard." He continues and kisses her paw.

"Asali." Asali giggles.

'What is going on? Bunga in love? I didn't think that was possible.' Kion says to himself.

"Thanks for the help guys!" Kion yells before running off to find Fuli.

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora