A better future

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Kion uses his lion guard mark to track down Fuli. He found her at the hunting ground. He watches Fuli sneak up on a rabbit until she was only a paw away from it.

'She's either improved A LOT or it has something to do with those things she's wearing on her paws.' Kion thought.

The rabbit suddenly realises it's being hunted and makes a break for it. Fuli leaps out of the overgrown grass and takes chase. In less than 10 seconds, Fuli had caught her prey and begins to eat.

"Nice hunt, Fuli." Says Kion, stepping out of the shadows.

Fuli raises her head, alerted by the sudden intrusion.

"Oh, Kion. It's just you." She sighs.

"I was wondering if you'd like a tour of the Oasis?" Asks Kion.

Thinking that she'll say no, Kion prepares for her answer. "Sure."

Kion jumps a little. He wasn't expecting that answer.

"Wait, what?"

"I said yes, I'd like a tour." Fuli repeats.

"Great! Meet me at the hill when you're ready."

Kion runs back into the shadows, leaving Fuli standing there a little confused.

"Uh...ok?" She says to the thin air.

Later, after when Fuli had finished her meal and cleaned up, she goes back to the hill Kion had shown her earlier.

"Ready for the tour?" Asks Kion when he sees Fuli arrive.

She nods.

Kion leads the way as he shows Fuli around as well as talk about how he got to the Oasis and some of his adventures with Asali. Kion shows Fuli all of his favourite places, every waterfall, crystal cave and more. Fuli had to admit, the Oasis was amazing.

"If you could leave the Pridelands forever, where would you go?" Asks Kion as he takes Fuli to his home.

"Here, definitely." Answers Fuli. "The Oasis is almost better than the Pridelands."

"You can stay here if you want. We could hang out everyday just like when we were little. We could be like that again."

This could be Fuli's chance to escape the hellhole the Pridelands have become. A chance to start over. A chance to be with Kion and maybe even start a life together. Fuli smiles at the thought but...she couldn't stay. Even if she could escape the Pridelands and try to forget that she ever lived there, her decision would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Fuli shakes her head. "Thank you Kion, I appreciate the offer but...this is not home and I made a promise. I can't stay."

Kion sadly nods. "I understand. Just remember it's never too late to change your mind."

They arrive at his tree.

"This is where you live? I didn't think you were the outdoorsy type." Says Fuli looking around the tree.

"I don't sleep next to the tree. Come on up!"

Kion jumps onto a branch and starts making his way up into the tree. It was quite high up which was something Fuli didn't like. She was never good at climbing trees.

"I didn't think you were afraid of heights." Shouts Kion from the tree.

He had a smug look on his that Fuli wished she could wipe off. She jumps onto the first branch and then the second.

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now