Rage of War

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After reading this chapter I think you will understand why I didn't post it yesterday. I hope you all had a very merry Christmas"

A new day has come. Everyone is scared of the battle that was only hours away. The hours felt like years. It was torture waiting for the afternoon to tick by. Soon if was time to leave. Under the cover of night, the animals march towards the Pridelands.

"What's that?" Asks Badili looking at a glowing figure on top of PrideRock.

Fuli growls at the glowing figure. "Scar."

"That's Scar?" Asks Kion.


"How did he know we were coming?" Asks Aina.

Fuli looks up and sees a vulture flying towards PrideRock.

"They used the vultures as spies." She answers.

"This is your last chance to surrender Scar!" Yells Kion.

"And why would I want to do a thing like that?" Asks Scar. "OUTLANDERS! ATTACK!"

Hundreds of hyenas, jackals, vultures and reptiles charge out of PrideRock towards them. Kion roars and the Pridelanders yell their battle cries.

Fuli stares at Scar, vowing to feel his blood on her claws, vowing to kill him once and for all.

"Let the battle begin." Fuli whispers to herself.

Fuli charges into the battlefield. She wasn't letting anyone stop her from achieving her goal to kill Scar. The sound of animals crying in pain and threatening growls was all that could be heard for miles. Fuli suddenly halts to a stop when a group of at least 10 hyenas and jackals block her path.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Asks one of the hyenas as she glares at Fuli.

It was obvious that she was the leader of the group.

"Looks like that cheetah didn't want to let Scar rule so she came back with friends." Says one of the jackals.

"Ha! Pathetic! Scar easily won the first battle and destroyed the resistance. What makes you think that you stand a chance?" Asks the hyena leader still looking at Fuli.

The group surrounds Fuli and prepares to attack. She looks left and right but there was nowhere to escape. Fuli knew there was one option. Fight.

A jackal leaps at Fuli but thanks to her quick reflexes, Fuli dodges just in time. Fuli only had a split second to see a hyena lunge at her. The hyena crashes into Fuli. They roll a few feet away but Fuli gets the upper paw and pins down the hyena. But the hyena wasn't ready to surrender. He reaches up and scratches Fuli's chest. Fuli clenches her teeth together and lets a growl escape her lips before she uses her claws to slice open the hyena's skin. Blood drips out of the hyena's wound from his neck to above his eye. Fuli could already tell that was going to scar badly. The hyena yowls in pain as he covers his face to try and stop the bleeding. An agonizing pain sweeps up Fuli's leg as she feels a jackals jaws bite hard against her back leg. She grabs the jackals scuff with her teeth and throws her away. A metallic taste fills Fuli's mouth as she licks the jackal's blood away from her lips.

"You're going to pay for that!" Screams the jackal as she lunges again.

Fuli saw this coming and swipes her away. The hyena leader tackles Fui and pins her hard against the ground.

"You're tough to beat, I'll give you that but it wasn't enough to defeat us." Says the hyena.

Fuli growls at her as she feels the hyena's claws dig into her skin.

The hyena smiles. "Don't worry. It will all be over soon."

"GET AWAY ROM HER!!!" Roars a voice.

Fuli barely had a chance to see where the voice came from before the hyena bites her neck.
Fuli gasps for air as she feels the hyena's jaws crushing her windpipe. She could feel her blood escaping her body as she tries to free herself.
The hyena smiles as she slowly and painfully ends Fuli's life until someone grabs her by the scuff. She reflectively lets go of Fuli and screams.

"You will never win! This is for destroying my home and for hurting my friends!" Yells Kion.

He bites hard against her throat and hears the sound of her neck cracking. Kion lets her go as he hears the hyena leader crying out for someone.

"Ja...Ja..." Was all Kion could understand.

He leaves the hyena alone as her group runs to her aid. Then he remembers why he killed her.

"Fuli!" He cries and runs to her side.

"Fuli? Fuli, please wake up. Don't leave me." Kion begs as tears threaten to fall down his cheeks.

He nuzzles Fuli and tries to clean her wounds as best he can.

"You're going to be ok." Kion whispers as he touches her mark of the guard.

He focuses his power on healing Fuli and feels his energy being drained.


Kion looks down and sees Fuli open her eyes. He smiles and he couldn't keep back his tears.

"I thought I lost you." Kion sobs as he nuzzles his cheetah friend.

"I don't know what to say. Thank you." Fuli replies as she nuzzles him back.

Their moment didn't last long though. Their ears twitch to the sound of an ear-splitting cry.


The felines look over to see a hyena running at fall speed towards the dying hyena.

Kion stares at the hyena and old memories come flooding into his mind. "Is that...?"

"Yes Kion. That's Janja." Fuli answers.

"You're going to be ok, Damu. What are you fur-brains waiting around for?! Go get her help!" Orders Janja.

"But sir, there's nothing we can do for her." Says one of the jackals.

Janja whips his head around to face the jackal. His eyes were full of hate and determination. The jackal whimpers in fear as Janja growls. Janja raises a paw and strikes the jackal.

"How dare you say that! Damu is your hyena queen and my mate! Now go get help before I snap your neck and throw you into the volcano in the Outlands!" Janja orders.

The jackal runs away like his life depended on it. Janja calms down and turns his attention to his dying mate.

"Jan...ja." Damu whispers.

"I'm here Damu." Says Janja gently as he holds her paw.

"Bing...wa, Hata..ri, Shet..ani, and Has...ira?" Damu could barely say the words.

"I promise to protect our pups just please don't die. I won't let you." Cries Janja, holding her paw tighter.

"I..I'm sorry." Whispers Damu. "Love...you."

Janja feels her grip loosen as she closes her eyes.


Janja nuzzles the lifeless body of his mate and lets his tears wet her fur.

"That was Janja's mate?" Asks Kion.

Fuli nods. A wave of guilt sweeps over Kion as he heard what Janja said.

"They had pups."

"They did. 2 males and 2 females." Fuli replies.

"What have I done?"

Fuli could see the shock and guilt written on Kion's face.

"Kion, remember why we are here. We are here to defeat Scar. We can't let these distractions stop us. We need to go now."

Kion nods and follows Fuli through the battlefield to reach PrideRock.

Janja looks away from his mate and looks at the spot where Kion and Fuli once were. "Kion did this. This is his doing. I will get my revenge on your death, my love. I promise you."

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz