Chapter 6 Part 1- Rays Confession Scene

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He led Rena up a pathway in the forest, having her put a hand over her eyes. "Ray? Where are you taking me?" Rena purred as she used her tail to help her navigate around so she wouldn't hit anything. Ray laughed, "You'll see!" he said with a huge smile on his face, hazel eyes wide yet showed a hint of worry. Ray thought about what his game plan was, ' Show her the clearly, she'll be in awe right? Yeah totally I was in awe when I first saw it.. then confess? ' Soon they arrived at a beautiful clearly, lush green grass all around, a waterfall that fell into the lake. Fireflies and glowing flowers danced around, lighting up the night sky. Ray took a deep breath, trying not to regret what he was doing. "You ready?" "Of course! Why I wouldn't I be! -She gasped- DID YOU FIND SOMETHING FLUFFY?!" Ray laughed, causing Rena to laugh too. "Just open your eyes already dummy." With that Rena removed her hand from over her eyes, slowly she openned them. The fireflies reflected off her violet orbs as her face went from absolute awe to a huge smile, her cat ears twitching.

Quickly Rena ran around, touching almost everything, looking at the fireflies, touching some of the trees to looking at her reflection in the clear lake. Ray admired how carefree she was at this point, a smile reached his lips as he walked over to her. Rena had laid down after sniffing a glowing blue flower. Sitting down next to her Ray sighed happily. "How did you find this place Ray?! -She sat up and nudged his shoulder before flopping back down to the ground- You sly dog." Rena purred as she still had a smile on her face, yet slightly gasping from all the running around she just did. "I was looking for some low level mobs to get my skills up when I ran across this place. You like it?" Rena almost shot up before he could finish his sentence and faced Ray. "Like it? Ray I love it! -She put a fist in the air- I declare this place as my new happy place!" She laughed with that sweet smile on her face that she always had, that smile was a small part of how much Ray adored Rena. Rena kept rambling on and on about what she could do with this place yet Ray wasn't listening, as he was just too busy admiring her.

"Okay Adrien! How do you want Ray to lead up to the confession? I was thinking maybe he could start like.... -silence- Sorry my mind went blank."

"Umm... why don't they lay down in the grass and start to stargaze?"

"Ooo! Then Oliver, or Ray in this scene starts to bring up stuff from the past to Rena? Like how they first met or something?"


Half listening to Rena, Ray laid down onto the grass, his arms behind his head as he felt anxiousness rise up in his stomach. Quickly he realized that Rena had stopped talking and was looking down at him, gaining his face to turn red; she giggled before looking up at the sky. "Its weird how realistic this is, the programmers of this game really do work there butt off don't they? Like whoa." She said while laying down next to Ray, her elbow slightly touching his side before she adjusted it. Ray started to freak out, that anxiety hit him hard since he couldn't muster up words to say. Suddenly he saw the stars, a light bulb turned on in his head. "H-Hey Rena -she turned to him- T-Those stars over there are really bright." Ray said pointing to a cluster of stars, he was very confident in what he said till he noticed that Rena was giving him a confused look. Realization hit in on how stupid he was as Rena laughed, Ray couldn't help but be happy that he at least made her laugh. "Of course dummy! Stars are like some plasma stuff." She said before starting to point out some of the easy to find star constellations since her level in astronomy was level 5 in the game, He had no idea why she would level up in such a weird skill. Guess thats another reason why Ray adored her.

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