"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't slay you right here in these very halls." He threatened, pulling out his sword and holding it to Abraxsis's throat

"Because if you killed me, Lúthien would never forgive you." He spoke, clearly unfazed by the King's meaningless threats "She'd mourn and become filled with grief because I, more than anyone knows how she's suffered. She'd hate you with every fiber of her being for murdering her only friend in this god forsaken world that even cares to understand her. Unlike you, I am no coward. I do not fear what I do not understand!"

Thranduil held his sword firmly, lightly pressing into Abraxsis's skin. The dragon was indeed correct, he couldn't afford to slay him. There was no denying that Lúthien valued his life, killing him would only result in driving her further away.

"So get on with it! I'd gladly die for her."

As much as Thranduil hated to admit it, killing Abraxsis wasn't the answer and it'd serve no purpose. So he lowered the sword from his neck before sheathing it swiftly.

"I won't kill you, upsetting her further is not my intention."

"Then let me pass, allow me to comfort her."

"You'll give me the honor of doing so."

"Do you honestly believe that's the best idea? Aren't you supposed to wise?" He sneered

"What would you do differently?"

"For starters I wouldn't insult her closest friend. You must acknowledge that Lúthien is broken in places you may not choose to understand, but you cannot blame her for what happened. You will purge those thoughts from your mind if you wish to win her trust."

"Alright then, can I trust you to remain here?"

"Look I know you both have...history, whether she remembers it or not. I think it's fair to attempt to smooth things over with Lúthien during our time here. We're not going to be around forever, so I won't stop you from going to her. But I cannot promise not to intervene, should anything occur."

"That's all I need."


Lúthien found herself wandering around the gardens, feeling somewhat familiar with her surroundings. Ever since she arrived in the Woodland Realm, everything seemed to feel like a hazy dream. She now understood it was because fragments of her memory had been trapped within an amulet.

As she continued roaming the grounds she thought about what Abraxsis had said about her memories. Lúthien wondered whether or not she should attempt to regain them. There was this faint voice in the back of her mind that yearned for those lost pieces, but there was also another that refused to accept them.

Lúthien hadn't realized it at the time, but while she had been entirely focused on her missing memories, she had somehow made it onto a bridge. The river flowed rapidly beneath her, and an entire sensation of overwhelming terror began consuming her. Another vision, immediately flashed through her mind, completely catching her off guard. She sank to her knees, holding her head in her palms, trying to put an end to this horrible feeling.

It was Thranduil, his face had turned terrifyingly pale. Her hand extended out to him as he desperately attempted to catch her. And then...absolutely nothing but darkness. Almost as soon as the agonizing throbbing arrived, it had disappeared, leaving her dumbfounded. Scorching tears ran down her cheeks, as she made an effort to gather herself.

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