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"Lloyd. We have a doctors appointment today." Kai said as Lloyd walked into the living area. " What time?" He said groggily. " In 2 hours". Kai responded. Lloyd nodded his head and walked over to the couch and plopped down. " Are you okay Lloyd?" Nya said looking over at him. " No....... I barely got any sleep last night." He said. " And why's that???" Jay said looking back and forth between Lloyd and Kai. " I was up all night training." He said. " Sure you were." Jay said. " I really was. You want to see proof? Go look at the training equipment." He said. Jay got up and left. He pushed the button on the wall activating the training simulator. When It all came up he saw that it was completely destroyed. " Okay, you were right." Jay said as he came back in. " I told you." Lloyd said. Soon it was time for Kai and Lloyd to leave for the doctors appointment. 

When they got there they walked in and a doctor was already there waiting for them. " You guys ready for the ultrasound?" She said. " Yep." Kai responded. They walked back into the ultrasound room and Kai got up onto the table. Kai lifted up his shirt over his belly as the doctor got stuff prepared. " Fair warning, this gel will be really cold." She said. She squeezed it onto his belly and he immediately tensed up. After a little bit he layed back down and the doctor began the ultrasound. After a few minutes she was done. " Okay first off your two months pregnant. And secondly You guys are having twins!" She said. They both looked at eachother and kai quickly gave Lloyd a big kiss. " Thank you." Kai said. The doctor passed him a towel and he rubbed the gel off. " I can't wait to tell the others!" He said. " Me too!!" Lloyd responded. They both thanked the doctor and left to go tell the others. The end.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this book. And I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter. I am really thankful for all of the people that read this book and stayed here the whole time. Even when I didn't post for like a month.  (Again sorry about that). But I am glad that you guys enjoyed this book and I hope you guys will enjoy the sequel! It will be called "When you come home". I really hope you guys enjoyed this book. AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THE SUPPORT! Thank you and I will see you guys next time! BYE!!!!!!!

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