fighting & Kissing. Two different things,Both deadly.

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As Lloyd and Kai flew back on Lloyd's dragon they saw the others were captured and surrounded by the people that tried to kill Kai earlier. They landed and the killers noticed them. " GIVE US KAI SMITH!!!!" one of them yelled to Lloyd. " Do you know who I am???!!!!! I am Lloyd Garmadon son of Lord Garmadon! THE GREEN NINJA!!!" He yelled. He pulled up his bandana and ran after the killers. As he was fighting them Kai ran over and untied to others. " Kai I am so happy that your okay!" Nya said crying a bit. " I'm glad to. Now go help Lloyd." He said and ran off to hide. As they were fighting Lloyd started to get really angry. " I HAVE HAD IT WITH ALL OF YOU!!!" he yelled and a huge energy ball erupted from his body. When everybody looked at Lloyd he had spikes coming out of him and was holding two black fiery swords. One of the killers tried to attack Lloyd but when there sword hit him it shattered. He stabbed the killer and they turned to ashes. " Lloyd? Are you okay?" Zane said looking at him a little scared. Lloyd said nothing but charged after the killers. Each killer hit Lloyd with each weapon, Each time they shattered, and each time Lloyd stabbed them with his swords they turned to ash. Garmadon and Wu walked onto the deck to see Lloyd standing there with spikes on him and the black fiery swords. " Lloyd what happened?" Wu asked. Lloyd said nothing but stood there. He then turned towards everyone and charged after them. They dodged out of the way barely as he was faster to. " Lloyd what the hell!!!!! it's us your friends!!!!!" Jay yelled but Lloyd charged after them again. Kai looked out from where he was hiding to see Lloyd about to kill the others. He ran out from where he was and stood in front of the others. " KAI NO!!!" Nya yelled at her brother. Lloyd came down about to hit Kai when he Kissed him. Lloyd dropped the swords and they vanished. The spikes disappeared and he returned to normal. Kai broke the kiss and Lloyd just stood there. A few seconds later Lloyd fell to the floor Unconscious. " What the hell was that about!!!!!" Cole said. " You don't think?" Garmadon said. " It is a possibility." Wu reesponded. "What?!?! What is a possibility! Lloyd almost killed us!" Jay yelled. " The venom from the Great Devourer somehow is in Lloyd." Wu said. " Only the sword created of pure fire can destroy it." Wu said. " Wait so your saying I have to make a sword of pure fire and kill Lloyd???!!!!!!!! Hell no!" Kai said. " It won't kill him. It will remove the venom by purifying him." Wu stated. " Fine." Kai said finally giving in. " Good training starts tomorrow at the birthplace of your dragon." Wu said. (His non elemental dragon).

If you guys don't like this chapter I will delete it and write something else. just tell me

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