The fight and the accident.

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After a couple of minutes of silence Jay says something.  " When the hell did this happen?!?!?!". " Last night" Lloyd responded. "I knew you two didn't just play video games last night!" Nya said. Cole walked up to Lloyd grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the side of the bounty motioning for the others. Kai stayed behind as he knew Cole didn't want him over there. " WHAT THE HELL!!!" Cole yelled. " What do we do with Kai?" Zane asked. As they continuously fought with each other deciding what  was going to happen to Kai, Lloyd, and the baby Kai Looked over at Lloyd. As he stared into Lloyd's emerald green eyes he mouthed the words " This is all my fault." Kai shook his head no. But it wasn't until that the others said something of what was to happen to the baby that Lloyd actually said something. " HEY! This is mine and Kai's life! You guys shouldn't be deciding what is going to happen to our child without us!" He yelled. " NO!" Cole responded slamming his fist into the railing of the bounty. They all continued to fight and didn't even notice the crack heading straight towards Kai. " Guys?!?!?!" Kai said as the floor cracked even more. " GUYS!" He yelled. But at that moment the floor broke. " AAAAAHHH!!!" Kai yelled as he fell through the floor. He hit his head on a broken board Knocking him out and cutting his forehead. But the others were still fighting so they didn't hear Kai's call for help. As his body lay limp he sinks down to the ocean floor without anyone noticing. Not even Lloyd noticed. The others kept fighting not even paying attention at the crack, or the hole in the floor, or even that Kai was gone. To be honest it hurt Kai a little to see that his friends didn't care about him before he was knocked out.

A/N HEY GUYS!!!! I hope you guys are enjoying this book. And if you aren't then get the hell out! also the next chapter will actually be a chapter just to clear a few things up. So page four will actually be a real chapter. see you guys soon BYE! 

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