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They finally found him. But he was barely breathing. When Jay, zane, And cole pulled them up Nya immediately ran and called the ambulance. Lloyd started CPR But no matter how many times he did it Kai just wouldn't wake up. Finally after what felt like an eternity the ambulance showed up and carried him off. They all sighed in relief. " What the hell are we all standing around for?!?!?! Our best friend is in the hospital clinging for his life!!!!! and were just standing here! come on get a move on!" Cole yelled. Nya ran off and steered the bounty as it flew off towards the hospital. When they got there they all ran inside trying to find him. " Excuse me. Do you know where Kai smith is? I'm his sister." Nya said to the nurse at the front desk. " Yes he's in the O.R. right now. you'll have to wait in the waiting room before a doctor comes to say you can go see him." The nurse said. Nya thanked her and they all went over to sit down. 

*time skip*

After 4 hours of waiting a doctor came out to speak with all of them. " how is he?" Lloyd said jumping up. " He's okay. He's awake and in the recovery room. any relatives can go in there if you want to." the doctor said. Nya got up and went down the hall. Lloyd turned and followed Nya but he was stopped by the doctor. " It says here Kai only has one living relative. You're not allowed back there." the doctor said. " Lloyd looked over at the doctor and stared her in the eyes. Lloyd looked at her with a cold look on his face and she let him pass. e walked down the hall trying to catch up with Nya. He walked in to see Kai hooked up to a bunch different machines, clinging for his life. Tears started to well up in his eyes, and he tried to fight them, but soon he just gave in. " This is all my fault....." He said. " If I didn't say yes to him dating then none of this would've happened." He said looking over at Ka.  Nya said hi to her brother then left. Lloyd walked over to the side of Kai's bed. " I'm so sorry." Lloyd said as he looked down at Kai. " it's not your fault." Kai said staring into Lloyd's emerald green eyes. After a few minutes Kai fell asleep so everyone left. They all were relieved to hear that Kai would be able to leave the hospital in 4 days. When they got back to the bounty everyone went to there rooms and went to sleep. Everyone except for Lloyd that is. He stayed up and thought that all of this happened because of what happened a couple nights ago in his room with Kai. But that's...........................for another time...............

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