Chapter 2

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It's been four weeks since school has started. So far I've made a few new friends.

I make Rose walk with me to theatre ii so I'm not alone walking the halls. We still have about 15 minutes till class starts, so we just take a seat in the halls on the floor.

"hey, can you braid my hair for today?" Rose asks.

"sure." I grab a hair tie and her long dirty blond hair.

"So, how has school been for you so far?" she goes on her phone and opens her Tumblr account dedicated to aesthetics. 

"It's been fine. So far I haven't been dragged into any drama, so I have that going for me." I started to braid, but it's difficult because it seems like she doesn't even know what a brush is.

"Gosh Rose, do you even brush your fucking hair?" 

"Not really. Anyways, any tea?" 

"Just a little bit." 

"Spill the tea, sis."

"well, " I don't really want to start any drama, but I know she wants her tea. It couldn't really hurt to spill though because she wouldn't know who I'm even talking about. "There's this guy in my Pre- Calculus class-"

"Is he hot?" Rose tries to turn around to face me but I'm still trying to do her hair.

"I mean, he's not my type, but he could be to some. Anyways, he's always trying to start a conversation, but I don't really wanna talk to him. He said that we used to be friends, but I never recall ever meeting him." 

I finished Roses hair in a low braid. She turns around to face me and she grabs a bagel from her bag.

"why the fuck do you keep bagels in your bag?" 

"want one?" she grabs another one and hands it to me.

I grab it and eat it anyways, regardless of where it came from.

Just then, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and it's the weird kid I just spilled the tea on. he always has on a grey beanie.

"Oh, hey." I forced a smile that clearly shouted ' Please leave me alone but I don't wanna sound rude so I cant say it out loud, but I hope you get the message.'

"So uh, what are you doing here?" I asked.

Rose quickly caught on because she wouldn't stop staring at him, waiting for him to leave to share her opinions. She remained dead quiet.

"By the way, I still haven't got your name," he extended his arm as if to handshake. "may I have your name?" 

"you can just call me Nola. " I refuse to take his hand. 

It's not that he's gross, he actually looks fine. I just hate touching people I hardly know. 

He pulled his hand back and look slightly frustrated. 

"can you go now?" I wan't him gone, and I made sure my tone of voice told him loud and clear.

without a work, he turned his heal and walked away. Rose turned to me and pointed to him asking "Is he the guy?"

He is, but I really don't wanna start stuff.

"No. Thats just some kid in my french ii class." 


I pity him. Although he is well known and favored by many in the school, he doesn't really talk to many people.


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