go to sleep - taekook

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taehyung flicked jungkook's nipple.

he was having a hard time going to sleep.

"please- can you get up already? it's too early to go to sleep! it's only," he glanced at the clock, "1:37 am!"

jungkook groaned and slapped taehyung's hand away. "uggh, can you just go to sleep? i'm trying to rest, and you're keeping me up." 

taehyung frowned. "fine then." he turned to the other side, facing away from jungkook, and crossed his arms.

he heard a sigh from jungkook, and then some shuffling of blankets. he turned around and scooped taehyung up in his muscly arms. taehyung's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to escape jungkook's hold.

"kook, let-" he used all his force to push himself off, but jungkook's lazy grip around his waist was stronger. "-let go!" he kicked around. jungkook sleepily smiled to himself; he could hold taehyung all he wanted and he couldn't do anything about it. 

i have to admit defeat at some point. taehyung was now on jungkook, getting squished by his big hands. 

"fine" he mumbled quietly. he relaxed, and let his body droop on top of jungkook. "i'm only letting yo-" he was interrupted by a quick peck on his neck.

"excuse me? kook? i am TRYING to have a decent conv-" 

"shh baby" jungkook put his finger over taehyung's lips. "do you hear that?"

"hear what?"

"exactly, now go to sleep before i eat your ass tomorrow."

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