Chapter 14: Crush

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- Next Week, Monday -

- Wendy's PoV -

I put my books in my locker, with my new metallic hand. Which was placed on both my stubs.

They made sounds like a robot, and I covered them with my gloves. I felt them in my arm literally, and they worked perfectly. To my movements. To everything.

I was out of the hospital and brand new. People visited me, my parents, Stan, Bebe, my aunt and uncle, other people from school were sending Get Better cards and balloons and chocolates.

But I didn't really care about the hand, I was worried. I was curious. What made Kyle send me off in the woods? A final task? A challenge...? I never thought that even someone as devious and manipulating as him can have a kind heart to their worst enemy and crush's girlfriend.

But as I contemplated this, the halls got silent. They were staring at something.

I turned my head to see two figures walk past, hand in hand. A red and blue puffball hat and a green over-the-ear hat with pockets. Stan and Kyle, holding hands as they walked into school. Stan held his books tightly and looked down at the ground and back to Kyle, shoulders hunched foward a bit. Kyle held his books calmly, looking only foward. A faint blush tinted his freckled face.

Everyone just stared, some people whispering stuff and other people starting to do what they were previously doing.

I didn't even care, me putting my stuff in my locker and heading to class like others did. I walked past the two who parted hands to put stuff in their lockers. It wasn't my business anymore of what Stan and Kyle did together anyways...

<sorry Wendy stans>

I sat down at my class next to Bebe, looking spaced out and feverish. I tapped her lightly.

"A-ah! Wendy! Hi!" Bebe said frantically. She was definitely a tomato blonde now.

"Bebe, what the hell is wrong with you? You're never like this, is something wrong?" I asked her.

"No! Nothing at all! Why do you," she shifted a little, repositioning her thighs, "ask??"

"You're here way earlier than you should be. What's up?"

Suddenly she grabbed my hand and took me to the woman's bathroom, which gratefully was at the other end of the hall where the crowd had died down and was now little blobs around the middle section.

Pulling me into a bathroom stall, she pushed me against a wall and put her hands on both sides of where I was standing.

"Look, Wendy... I'll just cut to the chase. I like you, ok? I love you! And not just as a sister... as a lover, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you erotically! And I just feel so moody... cause I'm on my period... and it hurts a lot..."

<sorry if you're a boy reading this>

Oh god, I knew what it felt as a girl to have her period. You got cramps and had to take midol each day; you had to change your pad every 4 hours too! That's why I hate the female body sometimes, it's painful.

"So... Uhm... would you like to be my girlfriend?"


"Yes, I would like to have my name as Stevens as my surname in the future. Testaburger sucks!" I said. I wasn't joking.

Words: 562

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