Chapter 5: Blackmail

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~ Bebe's PoV ~

I ran down the pavement as fast as I could from that freak, mascara and black everything running down my face! Everybody told me I was dramatic but I couldn't do this!! Kyle just fucking threatened me and told me it was either me or my best friend who dies!!

I wasn't crying anymore, I already made my final decision. I was so selfish, I wanted to live my fucking life. I didn't want to be seen dead by her! And I heard that Stan was now ignoring her, I was just relieving her from that loser! Right...?

I walked up to Wendy's home with a rag that I used mostly to cover my face when I cry. I knew it would help me someday...

I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.


I waited for a few moments and Wendy, she opened the door with puffy bloodshot eyes. She smiled widely but I crumbled into a million pieces into an unpleasant frown. Tears welled up in her eyes... it was unbearable to see her so down! You know; when-your-bestie-is-crying-and-you-want-to-help-them situation? This was an example of it.

I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her head soothingly. I didn't know what was happening at this point, so I got her upstairs in her girly pink room (as all girl rooms should be) and sat her on her bed. All she did was just show me her phone, set on a text message with Wendy and Stan texting each other.

Stan: hi wendy
Wendy: Hey Stan! What's up?
Stan: wendy there's something i need to tell you
Wendy: yeah?
Stan: i think we need to take a break from each other
Stan: i'm really confused about our relationship and i've been so distant because i was thinking about it
Stan: i just need some time to think
Stan: just... don't come to my door asking for anything
Stan: i'm sorry
Read: 10:18 am

Well, you have to expect that from him. They've been at it, Wendy cheated on him 3 times like a true lady, and I'm guessing this is the second time. Once there was an outbreak in school where Wendy and Cartman were going to fight; Stan went full out and dumped her because he was oh so confused about it. As if, you manwhore.

Wendy's crying had stopped under a work of cuddles and comforts. A 'shh' and a 'it's ok' here and there made it better. "What would make you better? I'll get it for you, just get him off your mind, he doesn't deserve you," I said. And that's what I thought was true. He didn't deserve my wonderful bestie, no one did! Not even me... did I?

"Water..." She croaked out. I guess crying for a few dozen minutes would really wear out your voice. I went downstairs to get a glass of water for her. Her kitchen was clean and... her parents were nowhere in sight. Eh, I didn't really mind. Like, who's parents would want to see their child's best friend be in their home who had been blackmailed and almost killed someone?! Not her parents... heheh... heh....

Anyways, I gave her the glass and started to go through my drawer. Over the years I've been with Wendy, I started to sort of share her house. Like a sister! And it's been sort of useful actually. I used it for about anything! My clothes, my perfume, my pads, and this one... special... hanker chief that I used occasionally. I'd have to use it today.

Wendy drank the water willingly while I took the cloth out of the drawer and put it in my back pocket. She had already drank it all when I sat back down with her. She rubbed her eyes and laid down on my lap, she was one light girl over all the girls in our sunshine sparkle group.

But, no matter how much I loved her, it was either me or her. I didn't know what would happen, but Kyle is a sneaky person as far as I knew... I couldn't bare to see my friend like this.

"Wends... if you could, would you surrender yourself for your bestest friend...?"

Her head didn't move.

"Even if it means you could potentially die over it, knowing that they're safe....?"

She hesitated, then nodded.

"...then... would you ever do that for me if I was commanded to...?"

She nodded slightly.

"Wends... I don't wanna say it... I don't..."

I started crying softly. She turned and looked up at me.

"You can do it. If it means getting killed, you'll be safe; right? You're one of my bestest friends," she put a hand on my cheek, " and I would do anything for you; sister," she was so... unnaturally calm with this.

"But... what about Kyle? He's alive and..."

"Don't worry Bebe. After this breakup of Stan and me I'm just really... bummed out. Sad. Depressed. That's all."

This was really tragic; but I had to do this. I would let down my one friend, and get killed myself... I then took the hankercheif out of my pocket and harshly smothered it over her face. I made sure not to kill her, it wasn't my fault I did it rough because I was under pressure. After I got dressed into my regular clothes instead of the black suit I had been in, I carried her out the back door and planted her next to Kyle's house in a bush, to be kept hidden.

I used to date Kyle for a bit, so I had his number. I texted him, he surprisingly texted back.

Bebe: I did it...
Kyle: thanks Bebe. Where did you put it?
Bebe: by the bush on the left side of the house
Bebe: NEVER make me do that again. Not to anyone or anything. I stg.
Kyle: don't worry about it. I have Kenny.
Read: 10:54 am

It was still morning, so I rushed to my house where my parents weren't up. I just went to my bed, facing the ceiling. What have I done? I gave my friend to a potential murderer... I'm so stupid.

I'm a selfish, stupid girl.

Words: 1052

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