Chapter 2: Jealousy

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Kyle put down his duffel bag and started to rummage through it, pulling out matching pajamas, both a dark blueberry blue with green alien heads decorating the exterior and extremely soft.

As he started to change, Stan took a peak at his best friend's torso. It was rather pale and skinny, with freckles sprinkling his shoulders. He caught himself staring at him for an amount of time until he turned back, blushing a soft crimson red. He wouldn't admit in his mind; he looked pretty cute, but he had a girlfriend! He dared not seek for love from his best friend.

"Dude, you okay?" Kyle interrupted his progressing thoughts as he took a seat on the bare floor to the left of Stan and grabbed the Wii controller.

"Y-yeah dude, sorry..." Stan apologized.

"It's ok! Anyways, what're we gonna play? Legend of Zelda, SM3D (Super Mario 3D World), or that new Just Dance game that your mom bought for you?" Kyle presented the choices to his out-of-thought best friend.

"Hmmm... whaddabout Just Dance? I didn't get to play that game yet," Stan exclaimed as he got up and chose the game. Kyle got up with him and they both chose a song, 'Die Young' by Ke$ha. They only heard those songs in parties and that's it, but they never heard the song actually.

They chose the song, and it displayed a screen to be either one of two people. One of them had short teal-dyed hair wrapped in a neon pink bandanna, a dark turquoise off-one-shoulder shirt with a pinkish magenta lightning bolt on it; she had on regular ripped jeans cut to look like shorts, a pink belt and a bright crimson pair of boots on; lastly her right hand was coated with a glowing glove that was the same color as her hair which Stan chose to be. On the other hand, Kyle chose a girl with long black hair which was dyed a sea blue on a few strands and went down to her collarbone, a crop top that was partially covered with a pink open vest, black ripped jeans that were evenly ripped down to her ankles, and pink and black heels that even Bebe couldn't handle wearing after the incident with Clyde's dad's shoe store. And on her right hand was also a glove that was the same color as the other figures, but given another shade of green.

They started up the game and went straight to dancing.
"Dang it, I was so close to beating you!" Stan exclaimed. Kyle had gotten a 5 star rating on his dancing, whereas Stan made a few mishaps and only got 4 stars. No one could hear the shouting and rough play from their room, Stan's parents went out to a bar while Shelly was out with her douche boyfriend that she was ex's with once. Somehow she smuggled money from a few stores with Cartman and they restored his guitar with the exact same one that he had before, and he forgave her for wrecking the first one.

"Hehe, well, I guess I'm just a better dancer than you,"Kyle boasted as he ruffled up Stan's hair, "But you're still a good dancer~" Stan blushed like before at the compliment, but brushed it off with a playful smirk. "Wanna play a few more games?"

"Ok, sure!"

- T i m e S k i p -

Before they knew it, it was midnight; the duo had played almost half the games that Stan had. Kyle wasn't as tired as Stan was, focusing on the game more than Stan. He had always been a night owl by drinking a Red Bull each night. He DID want to get ready for tests, let alone the finals at the end of the year. He would say he even loved learning as much as he did Stan, and that meant a lot.

Stan yawned softly. "I'm gonna go to bed, I'm super tired. Night, dude;" Stan managed to get out as he climbed into his bed. He usually slept at this time because he'd stay up without Sharon or Randy noticing, so it was basically his routine to sleep at 12.

Kyle took off the Wii U, plugged up the controllers, and started to go through his duffel bag. But he didn't feel it, his sleeping bag. He always slept on the floor with a bag and if needed, they would put a few sheets and a pillow down for Kyle to sleep on.

"Dude, I forgot my sleeping bag."

"...the sheets are in the wash though..."

An uncomfortable and eerie silence filled the air. Since there was nothing to sleep on, and Stan was too kind to put him anywhere else, there was only one place he could sleep.

"I could sleep with you, can't I?"

Stan blushed deeply at the thought that Kyle had put up and he didn't have any words, so his heart spoke for him. "S-Sure!" He couldn't stand for Kyle to sleep anywhere else, it felt like he was making Kyle become a dog. The thought made him shiver, and it wasn't pretty when Stan became scared or frightened.

"Ok, hold on for a sec," Kyle managed to tell him in a whisper while he went through his bag once again, pulling out a book and a pen, which was hard to see in the scarce light. "You can just go to sleep, it takes me a while to go to bed."

He said this calmly; it was a bit too calm for Stan to handle. Did he forget his sleeping bag on purpose? Was it all just a tactic to sleep with him? Stan blew away the thought. 'Nah, he would have slept on the sheets if they weren't in the wash!' He thought with a sudden hinge of doubt on what to think. He finally went to sleep, his swirling thoughts couldn't compete with how tired he was.

On the other hand, Kyle sat on the ground by his bestie's bed and took his phone out, putting on a flashlight that he laid on the bed just right so it was flat on the bed but the light was usable. The notebook he had pulled out was an ordinary black book you'd find in a library, but it didn't say anything related to a library, or a school at any chance. Instead, it said on the front: Murders 2018.

Words: 1085

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