Chapter 1

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Katie Holt was not surprised to find herself in a dumpster outside of the Galra High School. It was a tradition that happened every day to her.

So why was she crying?

If she knew that this was going to happen, shedding tears are not needed. However, she could not stop the waterfall from her eyes when the group of boys cornered her after 3rd block, took her to the dumpsters, and dropped her into it like she was trash.

She was though. She was to everyone she had ever known, except for her family.

After finding a way to get out of the trashcan, Katie made her way home, not bothering to go back to school. If her parents asked, she would say that she felt sick and the nurse told her to go home.

Once she arrived at the front porch, she unlocked the door and went straight upstairs, making sure that none of the other Holts would come across her. She didn't need them asking her why she was at home when there was still an hour of school left and why she was smelling like she hadn't taken a shower in two weeks.

After taking a long bath, she changed into a baggy shirt and leggings and went downstairs to get a small snack. At the same time, my mom, Colleen, walk into the kitchen.

"Hi mom."

"Oh, hi Kathie. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at school?" my mom questioned.

"I was sick so the nurse told me to come home. I think it was a stomach bug or sketching."

"Oh ok. I just want to let you know that your dad and I need to talk to you during dinner," Colleen said as she started to make food.

I just nodded my head and went upstairs. I decided to finish some homework and try not to think a lot about what was so improving that both of my parents had to talk to me about it.
"Honey, come downstairs for dinner!"

Immediately, I got out of my bed and realized that as I was trying to finish my math homework, I fell asleep. After fixing my hair so it didn't look like I was in a fight with a lion, I ran downstairs and saw my dad at the dinner table while my mom was getting food.

"Hey dad."

My dad looked up from his phone and said, "Hi, Katie. Your mom and I want to talk to you about something."


My family and I started eating food and after a while, my dad decided to spill the beans.

"So, you know how your brother is at Garrison city?" my dad started off slowly.

I nodded my head, remembering how my brother, Matt, was studying how to be a pilot at the Garrison College, one of the best pilot colleges there were.

"Well, we decided that we would have you finish of your junior and senior year at the school there, Voltron High."

1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

And then I spit out all of the food I was eating.
Hey guys!

So this is the first chapter of Kidge Highschool Fanfic!

The main purpose of this chapter was to learn a little bit more about Katie and her life.

There are two things I wanted to acknowledge before moving on so please read!

1. There will be very few curse words in this book. I don't feel like I need to use those type of words to convey what I want to say but sometimes, I might have to use them. However, they will not be really bad ones.

2. Also, I know I made this a Kidge fanfic, so I should be using Pidge instead of Katie, right? Well, I am going to use Pidge as a nickname, but many people will be calling her Katie.

As for updates, I probably won't be updating often as this I something I do in my free time. I will try to get at least one chapter every week, though.

Thanks for reading, and make sure to comment or vote!

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