Start from the beginning

"That's really cool, i've heard like some dads get really weird about it." Lena then realised the mistake she had made and her head shot up to give Davina a wide-eyed stare, but Davina was already staring at her with the exact look of embarrassment and slight fear. Marcel was clearly not Davina's dad. "I can't believe...I shouldn't have-I mean--"

"It's okay, it's cool, he's more like a dad to me than my actual dad was anyway," Davina waved away, going back to finishing the curve of Lena's leg in her sketch. Lena raised her eyebrow and asked Davina what her parents were like. "My dad left when I was a baby, I've never met him before and my mom was going to let me sacrifice myself for magic, so, I really think they're gonna win parents-of-the-year award this year!"

"I don't remember my parents," Lena told the witch, not looking up to meet her sympathetic gaze. "They were killed when I was one. I don't even know what they look like, I can't remember."

"I bet you look like your mom," Davina said in a hope to be somewhat of a comfort to the slightly older witch. But it didn't help it all. It just seemed to make it worse.

"I don't even know what I'm supposed to look like, this face could literally belong to anyone that's my problem, I can change everything about myself just by thinking about it. How am I supposed to know if this is the exact shade of brown my eyes are supposed to be, or if my nose is meant to curve like this? I feel so lost and there's no pictures, no nothing!" Lena let out a sigh, running her fingers through her aquamarine hair, leaving stains of charcoal on her temples.

Davina's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she finally asked the question that had been on her mind since Marcel had forced her to try and figure out who Lena was. "Who actually are you?"

"I'm Lena," replied the witch, "I was born in Italy in 1990. My family, my coven were murdered in 1991. I've been raised by Rebekah ever since." Davina knew this though and she didn't look at all impressed. Lena let out another sigh. "I am the last living witch of the Ricci coven."

Davina's gasp seemed to last ages to Lena. She was too busy worrying if some random Luzzatto witch was going to knock down the church trying to get to her. For years, Lena had been watching over her shoulder for an elemental witch to find her and to rip her body apart limb by limb until she existed no more and the magic of the Ricci coven was lost to the air, eternally missing. But now it felt like a weight had been lifted off of her chest, finally someone got to know who she was who wasn't Rebekah Mikaelson. For once in her life, there was somebody else who knew her secret.

"You're famous! Well not famous, nobody knows you exist but there's an old wives tale of the last ever remaining Ricci, a prophecy of sorts." Lena, who had never heard of this story before, nodded at Davina to continue. "It was said that when all the members of the metamorphic coven died, then the last remaining witch left alive - of the coven, of course - would rule all the speciality witches in a coven of one to take down the threat. It did not say what the threat was or who, but like oh my god!"

Lena's mouth fell open. She was supposed to rule all the witches of the five speciality covens who called Italy their home. Was she ready to do such a thing? Was she ready to let the world know her name so that she could tackle this threat when it came? Was she ready to leave Rebekah after everything that the vampire had done for her?

"You have a throne to go claim!" squealed Davina in excitement, but Lena didn't look quite so happy.

"I can't, I can't do that, I can't- no, no, no, no!" Davina looked mildly worried for the witch who seemed so wholly confused and against the idea of ruling all the witches of the five (now four) special covens that she had completely disregarded her charcoal drawing. Davina watched it fall to the floor.

METAMORPH ... k.mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now